
Ok im not a total disaster at dancing but im not comfortable dancing in front of alot of people...?

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My question is during my wedding is it expected for me to dance with my new husband. The slow songs and Wedding Dance isnt a problem its the more casual dirty dancing that scares me. So give me some adive whats a girl to do?? is it ok if i dont dance? should we sit together and talk or mingle with guest?




  1. Take dancing lessons, if its for your wedding, it will be worth it.

    And tell your husband about the issue, I'm sure he wont want to dance as much as you.

  2. Take a few dancing lessons.  Many couples are doing this nowadays so they don't look like dorks when they have to do this dance. Also so they don't just rock back & forth, calling it slow dancing.

    Usually Ballroom is what most couples pick, but do a few Hustle & Salsa lessons and you'll be dirty dancing in no time.

  3. you could take lessons,good idea. or you could pick the set list so it's full of slow or fun songs. nothing that you need to get low to. i've been at weddings where people start grinding and it just makes people,especially like your grandparents,soooo embarrased. just keep the mood upbeat and fun.

  4. of course you're suppose to dance with your husband it is YOUR wedding after all. :] it's okay if you don't dance you can just mingle with your guests because i'm sure you'll be busy talking to ALL of them, mostly all. but once in awhile you should dance with him, but the reason you're not comfortable dancing in front of ppl is because you don't dirty dance? or that you're scared of what they will think of you when they see you dirty dancing?

    my advice don't pay attention to anyone, it's your day! so just dance however you want. :]

  5. Dance! its your big day. If you want take some classes. But, if you can't, then listen to the music and follow the rhythm.  

  6. you have to dance. You can do atleast half a dance or a whole one but nobody cares what you look like while dancing at your wedding. trust me. I can't dance at all so every year I go to homecoming I mainly stand back and watch my date dance. kinda pathetic huh?

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