
Ok im tring out for volleyball, any specail tips?(i know the rules)?

by  |  earlier

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just wondering on tips on how to hit and all, and hopefully from expirenced players too....




  1. knowing the rules is not enough, what you must know and learn is the basics of the sport. practice the basics, learn the right moves, master it, then you can try out. Good luck!

  2. well... i am on the varsity team- freshman, not trying to be cocky or anything but i play a lot more than is expected by most...

    hitting tips

    -make sure you follow through with your arm swing

    -the hitting approach is left foot, right foot, left foot, then jump- if you are right handed, then opposite if you are left handed- (the last two steps are smaller than the first)

    -jump as high as you can

    -try to hit the ball down as much as you can

    Passing Tips

    - be on your toes

    - have your dominanate foot (usually right) a little in front of your other foot

    - be Very low

    - don't swing your arms

    - tilt your torsoe forward, towards your target (usually the setter in right front)

    - have your bottom lower than your where you contact the ball

    Volleyball is a really mental game so relax when you play!

    Hope i helped you out a little

    Good Luck!

  3. Wear the tightest shorts possible... that will put people in the stands...

  4. OK the key to making any team is to be attentive but stand out.  Coaches love players who are willing to go all out but also can listen to directions.  Make sure in any drill they ask you to do, you go hard.  So if you see a ball about to drop make sure you are diving and hitting the floor to try and get it up.  

    Also volleyball is a sport of communication.  Make sure you are loud and clear.  When passing balls make sure you are yelling "MINE"!!

    Now for some basic tips.  The first thing a volleyball coach wants to see is what position you will play.  If you are not sure, that is fine.  

    So first thing in volleyball is serving.  Always get your serves in.  If you miss a bunch of serves then the coach won't think you are reliable in a game situation.  Make sure you get them in.

    Next is passing or bumping the ball to the setter.  Try and make sure you communicate and talk out there.  Make sure nothing drops.  Also try to stay low and keep your eye on the ball.  It will help you get the ball in the air to your target.  

    Now, in order to hit, the key is to reach high.  When you make contact with the ball you really want to snap your wrists in order for the ball to stay in the court.  Also make sure you get the ball over and make smart plays.  You don't want to hit balls into the net or out all the time.  It is sometimes better for the other team to make mistakes.

    Now very important, make sure you are at the try outs as soon as you can.  Coaches love players who are ready to go when they get there.  Don't be afraid to introduce yourself and let them know you are excited for the opportunity to learn more and get better.

    Good luck and get a good nights sleep.

  5. ok when passing bend ur knees and ur arms should be locked u want to make contact with the ball on ur wrist area, do not swing ur arms. when ur are passing make sure ur feet are planted. while setting set with all fingers ur hand shold almost make a diamond shape but do not hold the ball it is called a lift. while serving aim and hit with a hard hand because u do not want to slap the ball. anticipate where the ball will go ans be there when the ball is in the air while spiking ur approach should be three steps and ur hand should be hard hit the ball at the highest point then snap ur wrist after making contact with the ball it is good to have ur hands back while approaching then just jump up. while digging make a flat surface because if u swing the ball will go crazy because there is alot of force when the player is hitting it and u want to stop it. and thats pretty  much it. also call the ball and have good luck

  6. Only one that I can think of to tell you right of hand is that when you bump the ball, use your knees, don't raise your arms up. Keep them at the same angle to your body all through the motion, but straighten your knees to get the momentum to get the ball up. If you use your arms to do it, the ball will probably got backwards.

  7. Well to make the cut practice your serve. You must have a good serve to make it. Also practice your aim. Stay focused and don't question your coach. GOOD LUCK!

  8. stay low when passing, dont croos the line when serving, when setting push it up high, also hits do the correct footwork, goodluck

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