
Ok in a dream i have it is the Day of Judgement, and I am with a group of people riding in a back of a semi,?

by  |  earlier

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Now the buildings just look like buildings as we pass, but in the distances I see a giant cloud that would almost seem like it was going from ground to sky. I immediately Identify this God or atleast the a tell tale sign of him. At some point I tell myself that this is the end and every knee shall bow. I feel as though I am a sinner, but something still makes my heart feel good. Interpret please anyone. I will welcome all comers from either secular or religous realm




  1. Well, I dreampt the entire book of Anyway, you were given a glimpse of the "other world" You feel unworthy, as most do but the happiness that you felt when you were with him trumps all of that. All fall short of the love of GOD but that is why he died on the cross to save you from sin.You may ask him to forgive you at any point of your life,anytime,anyplace and it is granted but will you forgive you? Hmmmm Sin is like blood it will always be around and in you.Nothing you can do about it.However, learning is living and without mistakes(sins) you wouldn't learn anything.Sins and how you handle them are your greatest test..that's why your here to be refined and them you will be blameless/clean when you arrive to that place where he dwells....bye

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