
Ok in a recent question i've asked about herbal arthritic remedy?

by Guest21543  |  earlier

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i started taking glucosamine and chondroitin for my joint pain and inflammation, so far i've taken one day dosage. my arthritis seemed better, but i woke up with bad leg cramps,nausea and dizzyness? is this normal? if so what other side effects am i facing? i read in a study that the msm powder provided better results than the glucosamine and chondroitin which do you think would be better to use?




  1. Bromelain is good. Enzymes are good for arthtitis, serrapepetase, nattokinase, etc. Inflammation is the cause of arthtitis. anything that kills inflamamtion is good. MSM is good also.

    vitalzym is good.

  2. glucosamine really usually takes 2-4 weeks to work. leg cramps, nausea, dizziness are not side effects- if you're not shellfish allergic (they do make glucosamine w/o shellfish if needed) then it's just a fluke.

    the most research has been done on glucosamine- many many studies- msm has not been clinically studied, altho it might help. you can often find combos of glucosamine, chondroitin & msm all in one formula. that might be a good try as well.

  3. These are not sympomatic to glucosamine and chondroitin, these are over the counter drugs as you know and the symptoms you describe are very irregular. I would even say that you have an allergy and had some food that you were  unaware of. Are you allergic to penuts or shellfish? What you describe sounds very much like food posioning minus irritated skin and swelling (which does not always accompany food poisioning) allthough the simplest anwser is usually the best and it could very well be your new arthritus pills. I suggest you switch to a more mild joint medication. My father uses Osteo Bi-Flex wich as is common with most arthritic medications has glucosamine chondroitin AND msm powder. Check you pills but it may already contain the powder. Stop the meds for a week if the pain persists well you know the drill contact a physician good luck. Ps. i take a gnc brand pill called Tri-Flex it's very mild and I dont have joint pain, never did, but i use it to maintain flexability.

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