
Ok in the following scenario what should you do?

by  |  earlier

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you wake up and its late at night. possibly midnight. you woke up due to a large bang and realise that your house is on fire. testing the bedroom doorhandle with your finger, you realise its scorching hot. you can hear a crackle and roar of a fire on the otherside of your bedroom door. you are the only person in the house. your bedroom window faces out onto the garden, there is patio below. the window only opens maximum 20 centimetres and you can't get through to jump out.

as the fire gets more and more ferocious in the hallway, what do you do?

even if you could jump out the window, theres a chance you may fall to your death.

by the sound of the fire, you only have a few minutes, if that.




  1. Break the window, grab the mattress

    & throw it on the ground, grab my blest cross & rosary, say a prayer, then jump.

  2. I'd break the window and risk the jump. It's better then burning alive.

  3. Yeah... what RJR said  (LMAO)

  4. Break the window and make a rope out of the bedsheets. It may not reach the ground, but it will lessen the drop.

  5. ill jump out of the window no matter what... because there is a chance that i might fall to my death but if i do stay in the room long enough ill die for sure... so ironically jumping out is safer! =]

  6. i would break the window ,and clear it of the glass. tie some sheets together and tie them to the broken window frame. slide down the side of the house and jump the rest of the way down. roll upon impact to avoid breaking my legs.

  7. Jeez, I would be panicking.

    Umm, I would try and get dressed by grabbing anything out of the wardrobe. Then I would break the window with the nearest heavy object.

    I would probably then throw soft things out to land on, but tie sheets together to slide down on. As soon as I get out of the house, I would call the fire brigade.

  8. First- get dressed. Formal wear.

    Second- break window

    Third- throw out the matress and box springs

    Fourth- dive out the window, land on the matress and bounce upwards.

    Fifth- do an in flight backflip, land catlike on my feet, brush a speck of dust from my sleeve, straighten my tie and get me a martini (shaken not stirred)

  9. that's when you decide that it's time that you get yourself right with God and you start doing some serious praying :)

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