
Ok.. is it normal for contact lenses to NOT be round?

by  |  earlier

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so ive always had painful contacts and i went to costco and this lady gave me contacts.. where one is almost shaped perfectly and th eother has liek 10 folds in it.. she tells me they are normal. meanwhile.. i can totally feel them in my eye. she says to walk arond the store for 15 min let them settle..a nd come back.. i say they still feel uncomfortable when i move my eye.. she says it cud take takes weeks.. months before my eye gets use to them...

is this true?? i mean.. obviously.. ure eye gets use to somehting after months.. LOL from having to conform to a foriegn plastic... i mean.. is she s******g me?? ive been to soo many eye care people.. thye all give me uncomfortable lenses.. i put my faith in this reputable lady..but how long should it really take... + when i wash them and put them on my finger they around round like usual. i have a atigmatism and these are acuvue for astigmatism with hydraclear.. so i dunno. i feel hopeless..




  1. First mistake ---------- going to Costco for eye care.  That's like going to a mechanic shop for heart surgery.  Second mistake ---------- not listening to your own common sense.  You have been dispensed a defective contact lens.  It's as simple as that.  Next time you seek out eye care go to a professional optometrist who has his own practice rather than one who practices in a commercial setting and that includes Walmart.  I just don't understand how people think they can get quality HEALTH CARE at the same place they buy their bananas.

  2. no that is not true.... they should feel comfortable in a day or too or right away and should be comfortable in the eye.  I have an astigmastism in both eyes and i have the the acuvue hydraclear.  i would take them back and tell them to give your money back... go to a different place.. it seems to me they didnt' measure your eyes properly for the contact.  I got my at walmart and now i got o the eye health center because walmart doesnt' take my insurance.. i think you need a different dr and a second opinion.

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