
Ok is this true if so i might not be able to be homeschooled =[](tear) jk?

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ok well in middle ga. is it true that parents have to take a test

b4 they can teach there kids

i wanna do virtual school.... how many hours does it take?

i read one and it said 6 hours a day at k12/ga/




  1. I do not know this to be so in any state, however I could be wrong.

    Therefore go to this web site it has all the requirements for each state listed.

    Just click on your state, and it will give you a run down.

    Home schooling, even on line takes as long as needed, or as you want it to take.

    Home schooling means that you take control, or at least in your case your parents have to, and are responsible for the direction of your education.

    Your parents will be the primary instructors.

    You pick your own curriculum, and set the time and place to do so.

    Home schooling does not have to, unless you choose to follow the school calendar; you can go year round, and take breaks as it meets yours and your family's needs.

    for a lot of information on home schooling go to this web site;

  2. I have never heard of a parent taking a test, in Canada, anyway.

    added: don't worry about rude people sweetheart.They are just angry that they can't do what you want to :-)

    good luck to you. It's a great way to learn!


    These are the qualifications you need for your State and no the parents don't have to take a test. You have been misinformed by someone that probably is against homeschooling. People tend to give out the wrong information when they haven't homeschooled themselves.

    Oh don't listen to these people that talk about grammar and such. It is more like not proofreading your typing. Gee I make more mistakes in my typing and sometimes I am just too lazy to go back and double check and let it slide thru. You are just fine.

    There is no reason why you can't homeschool unless your parents are against it.

    You have plenty of choices.

  4. Nope- I LIVE in middle GA and the only thing we need is a diploma/GED.

  5. Are you suggesting that you wish to teach YOUR children at home, that is home school them?  If so, I encourage you to brush up on your spelling and grammar first.

  6. No, not according to the state statutes.

    Teacher Qualifications: The "teaching parent" must have at least a high school diploma or a GED. Or the parents may employ a private tutor who has a high school diploma or GED. Ga. Code Ann. § 20-2-690(c)(3).

    So unless your parents don't have a diploma or a GED there is no test they have to take. Below I've included a site that tells how to go about homeschooling in GA.

  7. No, your parents do not need to take a test. And I don't know how many hours it takes for virtual school, sorry

  8. Information on homeschooling in your area -- including the regulations involved -- should be available through the HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) website.

    I have not home educated in the States -- only in Canada, but all information applicable to your area will be available there.

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