
Ok just having a lot of robo dwarf hamster trouble! plz help?

by Guest56184  |  earlier

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k so I have one robo dwarf hamster -female. She is being very wierd. She is always soooo hyper, she won't come when I try to get her out of her cage, and she just won't trust me!!!! I want to get a new hamster and have it in the same cage as my other hamster but would they fight?




  1. yes get another hamster my robos r also really really hyper!

    watch my robos on youtube - type in my youtube user name in the search box on youtube, it's cheesy5550

  2. She is just being a normal dwarf hamster. They are small, and usually very excitable. Most dwarf hamsters are very active and hard to handle.

    Do not get another one. First of all, since you decided to get this one, you have to be mature and responsible and commit to her. She is like your baby, she needs you to take care of her. You cannot just replace her with a better one.

    Secondly, you absolutely cannot just toss in a new hamster. There has to be an introduction perdiod which usually lasts at least a week, and certianly a second cage.

    The other thing, what if you get a second hamster, and it turns you just like your current one? Like I said, this is very common behaviour for dwarf hamsters.

    Just stick with this one, and keep working to tame her. Have patience, and do it slowly. Every day, spend 10 minutes beside the cage not trying to grab her out, but just standing there talking to her. Maybe put a hand in and wait until she comes to you. It may take a couple days. Have some treats with you too.

  3. YES

    get another hamster

    get a female cause it won't fight it

    if you get a baby one at least 6 weeks old

    its easier to train

    i did this and my first robo eventually caught

    on that she could trust me cuz

    she saw me picking up the new one

    now they are happy and they like to be picked


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