
Ok ladys tell me what you think?

by Guest56765  |  earlier

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my friend is getting married in aug, her and her bf lives about a hour a part so she stays with him like2 or 3 days a week well we (me&my husband) go to the drag strip well she cant go this friday night and she dont want him going! do u think its wrong for him to go with out her just to hang out with his guy friends? i dont want to tell her she should let him go and it not be the right thing for me to do!?




  1. He should be able to hang out with his guy friends every now and then

  2. I think you should mind your own business and leave it to them to sort out.

  3. Stay out of it or you will end up losing a friend.

  4. It's not really your place to say anything.

    You don't know every single little detail of there relationship. Maybe she has a reason for not wanting him go to. He is also his own person and can make the choice to stay or go.

  5. I think he is a big boy i think couples need some same time a part they should learn this before they get married

  6. I'd stay out of it- but I don't think you should prevent  your guy from hanging out with guy friends every now and then.  A successful relationship means you need things outside the marriage that interest you.  You can't lose yourself- it leads to BIG trouble down the road.  Sounds like she has some trust, self confidence or self esteem issues.  If he does go, maybe you can suggest he give her a call now and then while he's there to ease her mind.  But, really it's something they need to work out.  If she asks you outright what you think you can be carefully honest!

  7. I think the same way as the others. Its not your place. If she doesnt want him to go, thats none of your business. If you are her friend you will stay out of it. To me it seems like you want her boyfriend to go, more than anyone, is there a reason to that. But truely, i would stay out of it.

  8. If she doesn't trust him enough to go to the drag strip and behave himself without her for one Friday night, she really shouldn't be marrying him.  As you know, being a married woman and all, a marriage is all about trust.  She needs to trust him or seriously rethink this impending marriage.

  9. As they are both adults, I would say whether he goes with her or not is a decision the two of them make together.  If he is okay with her telling him what to do or not do, let him be content with that.  If he isn't okay with it, I am sure he has a mouth, and can voice his disagreement.

    Perhaps her reason for him not going isn't entirely based on control or jealousy....maybe she needs him to do something in preparation for the wedding...whatever.

  10. i dont see why he cant go without her!  

    but you can be the one to tell her that!

  11. Well it really isn't your place to say anything but I do think she should let him go.

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