
Ok last nights dream was weird could someone help me?

by  |  earlier

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ok my dream consist of my tae kwon do instructor and one of the guys from charmed i dont know why about charmed anyway they took my daughter from me and i freaked the F out

and gave her to someone else i was out in a store and i saw her i said tori and she came to me saying mommy in exitement then the people that had her tryed to take her away from me again i said she is mine realy loud and i told them and they said no she is not i said i know when she was born i know her size when she was born and she is 2 yrs old i said i have proof she is mine can someone please help me try and figure it out? or tell me what it meens?




  1. Its just mommy anxiety. Someone I know once had a dream that she was driving over a bridge with her two kids and they went off of the edge into water. She was able to get one of her kids out of the car but she couldn't get the other one out. Scary. :/

  2. Bless your heart, I bet it scared you to death.

    It's okay it seems to me to be about a fear of your dtr growing up.

    The instructor being in the dream could indicate your translation of the world and teaching/learning in general. Remember how dreams misconstrue things.  It isn't about the people in the dreams most of the time but the things those people represent. Think of what this instructor represents to you. Maybe he teaches you things that make you feel powerful and independant. Not sure what the charmed guy represents, complete shot in the dark would be that he represents the man who may someday come along and charm your dtr and take her away?

    These people taking away your dtr would then translate to a feeling of anxiety that your dtr isn't such a baby anymore. She is becoming more independant already and you may fear that this is just the first step toward her eventually not needing you anymore.

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