
Ok lawyer knowledge needed reguarding trust fund?

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My ex owes his children 50 grand in child support.

He went on Welfare to avoid this obligation

His millionaire father , has set up a trust fund

This trust fund is either in a lawyers name or a brother inlaws name not my ex's name. My ex is the sole heir to this estate,they are hiding it in another name so he can stay on welfare and neglect his children. How do I find out whos name this is in or the banks name?




  1. Welfare doesn't get you out of this obligation.  Child support CAN be garnished from welfare checks.  

    You can't find out who's name this is in.  You can't find out the bank's name.  This is private information.  If you are going after the child support legally, like through your state District Attorney's office, THEY can dig this information up.  But they won't tell you.  They'll just get the money for you.

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