
Ok let me ask again since some of u dont understand about the boxing training, i mean cardio wise???

by  |  earlier

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so since some of u people are so smart about ya answer, why dont ya be serious, and answer the question ,i am asking about what different types of cardio for boxing can he do, i know about running, and running intervals and sprints and long distances and run hard for 3 mins, so if u would give me a good answer please, thank you




  1. Have him do floor dots, jump rope, boxes, footwork like tapioka and fenses.  Go to Nike to see alot of things he could use.

  2. Jumpin On A Mini Tramp

    Seriously Dude

  3. Jump rope hitting the heavy bay hitting the speed bag shadow boxing sparring

  4. chase your dog or cat around the garden, or buy a heart from someone on ebay hook that up to your chest and bam there you go.

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