
Ok lets say scientists find life on say Mars or Europa, Would those places become protected under........

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Environmental protection laws or would we just do whatever we want there and not care what happens to the indiginous life there?




  1. Well, I think that any damaging activities would immediately be stopped.

    Think of the implication that we are not alone. That is if it was simple life.

    If it was near sentience, or civilized (w/civilization) we might take control.

    We would 'guide' them, and in the end, the would be our slaves.

    Like what the human race does with all indigenous life, enslave or kill it.

    Hopefully, if we do find something, we will be a bit more civilized ourselves.

  2. I honestly think we will scout planets when it comes to the time where we can comfortably travel the stars in short amounts of time, like not having years in between ports just to visit a planet. But I think we will take our planet as lesson and protect others, but also I think we will sanction others to be strictly for resources.  

  3. That's actually an interesting question. I doubt that life will be found on Mars, but if sea life is found on Europa, I doubt there will be any civilians visiting it, and I doubt even more that there will be industrialization. It will probably be disturbed by scientists studying it but other than that I doubt we will harm Europa that much.

    We as a human race prefer to ruin one celestial body at a time.

  4. we as a whole don't seem to care about the indiginous life here on earth do we ?

  5. This is an interesting question and something I have never considered.  Since they aren't on Earth, I don't think the EPA would be involved.  However, mankind has had a long history of just going in and taking what they want from the indigenous people, and wiping out their civiliztions in the process.  We should have something like Star Trek's Prime Directive, which prohibits interference with other sentient species.  I don't expect to start finding other intelligent species, though, until we are able to travel to extrasolar planets.  I would like to see humans become civilized enough that we wouldn't interfere with the indigenous life.

  6. It might be a good idea.  But we'd need new laws.

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