
Ok lets try again... answer?

by  |  earlier

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ok well i just asked this like 40 mins ago but i got that the picture was too dark so lets try again..yeah im really bored right now, and i dont mean to annoy anyone with this cause its another one of those am i pretty questions but whatever. i actually like seeing peoples pictures and how they look and what not. so im just wondering how i look/what i can improve on. be honest. if you think im ugly i can take it. personally, i dont have a high self esteem and i do think im ugly. just wanted to see what others think. hopefully the link will work... if it doesnt let me know and ill try to fix it. well, here it is...




  1. k firstly....



    Secondly, Just ignore people like Lucky duck who posted earlier.

    Its ur life and u can do what you want with it.

    Life's short so ENJOY!

  2. i dont think u are ugly at all you are a cutie pie..and you are really pretty

    dont stress

  3. naw girl u look good :]

    [no homo]

    but yeah really pretty i like ur hair :]

    [once again no homo]

  4. You're a pretty girl. But that's not really the issue here - the issue is why you need for someone to tell you that.  You say that you have low self-esteem, yet you post your picture knowing that no matter how cute you are, some people will say insulting things.  If you secretly think you're cute and you just need a lot of people to tell you, well - that's not healthy either.  Try forgetting about your looks for a while and concentrate on WHO you are.  Be a better person, be kinder, be smarter, be more open to new friends.....and you'll be surprised how many people will find you attractive. There are many, many women of average attractiveness  that are thought to be beautiful because of their personalties. Work on what's inside and it will show on the outside.

  5. cute (:

  6. wow ur very pretty.. dont change




  7. You look good/cute.:) why on earth would you think you're ugly?

    haha I like seeing people's pictures too.

  8. you look cute =)

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