
Ok lets try again what color are these roses?

by Guest21412  |  earlier

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They were my bridemaid bouqets I asked for coral?? But they look more orange??




  1. Tangerine, maybe...

  2. It's not that easy to find coral flowers. And there are so many shades of coral, from pinks to oranges.  

  3. I would call that coral.  

  4. Hi.  They look like peach to me.

    But there is nothing you can do about it now.  They looked nice.

  5. they look peach, or a washed out orange. I imagine it would be hard to find specifically coral coloured flowers.

  6. They're coral, maybe you had more of a pinkish coral in mind.  They're beautiful bouquets either way.

  7. the ones in the close up looked pinky orange, which I think of more as shrimp but I have seen that shade of orange called coral.

  8. They look more peachy, an orange shade, than coral.

  9. They look like a peachy-orange.

  10. they look a peachy orange, coral is definitely more of a pink orange..

  11. That looks peach to me or pastel orange.  Coral is more pink and usually brighter.

  12. Orange

  13. peachy toned

  14. peachy orange

  15. Pale orange... and ugly.

  16. That's a peach color, which just about any florist would call coral or "close enough".  Are you trying to dispute this with them after the fact?  Don't waste your time.  Just move on.

  17. coral

  18. While coral is an orange-y color, that's definitely not it. The shade is too light. If anything, I'd say those roses are peach colored.

  19. They are a peach color. No doubt about it.

  20. I would have to say they are defiantly peach! To me this is what a coral rose would look like.

  21. With flowers colors like Coral & Orange they can be quite similar. These might actually be coral colored roses that just happened to have a bit more orange in them. Flowers never match perfectly.

    I would say it's within the coral family.

  22. Having had worked as a cake decorator, and having had many a discussion/argument with customers over the name/shade of a specific color I have to say that the only way to guarantee a match with a color is by having a sample to match to... If you gave them a swatch of the material you call coral that you wanted matched perfectly, then the florist would be at fault...

    If told to do coral, I personally would have gone more on the pinkish side of orange, but still, there would be no guarantee that I would match perfectly the customer's intended color without a sample...

    Those are too orange for coral (IMO)... you also have to take into account that flowers are a living thing, and while you can try to make them come out a color, it's like trying to get kids with green eyes, when the parents have blue and brown...

    If the florist didn't have a huge selection they might have just provided you with the closest possible match...

    (I'm just trying to look at it from all possible angles)

    Or, the person who did the arrangement didn't know what coral was, exactly, andd just put it together to the best of his or her (limited) ability.

    They are still beautiful...

  23. coral/peach and as close as a rose can get to the specified colour. I don't think you can complain about the colour but I wouldn't have been happy with the floristry. Those bouquets look like they have been thrown together by an amateur.

  24. They look like peach roses...those certainly aren't coral...

  25. I believe that coral is a peachy-orange color. I always thought it had more pink in it. But earlier this summer I bought a rosebush that was supposed to be "coral". The flowers turned out to have a peach/orange tint to them. Either way the flowers were beautiful.

  26. They are peach! And coral would have a little pinker tone within a peach tone to make it coral. Sometimes it's hard for the florist to order that color from the warehouse. And the person pulling the order, probably is a little color blind. Also coarl is a hard color to get in a regular rose and easier to get in sweetheart roses for some reason, that I can't tell You. All I know is that I designed for many years and coral can be a hard color to get in your orders.

  27. The flowers seem a bit to light in shade to be coral. It a light orange.

  28. This is coral

    After examining things a bit closer in Photoshop I'm saying that it an Orange hue for sure.  

    This was the main hex colour I found e5ab79

    Unfortunately I'm going to agree with the poster below me.  They have a funeral flower vibe.

  29. I have never seen a "coral" rose.  I have seen orange and peach and pink, but no coral.  They do look pretty orange, but flowers cannot be perfectly matched to dress color!  They are living things you can't instantly becaome 6' tall if you are 4'11" just because someone wants you to!  

    I have chosen flowers for my wedding that coordinate with the dresses(blue), but are an entirely different color (pink) because I know things cannot be perfectly matched in nature!

  30. They're flowers, not paint chips.  You can't really expect custom colors.  They look close enough to coral to me.  I'm assuming the wedding has already taken place.  Move on.  Focus on the good parts.

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