
Ok like i said before a drug test...

by  |  earlier

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i smoked last week . and that day wen i got hme i drunk alot of water.and pickel juice and vinigir ad vingir pills. and on tusday i have a drug test. what are the odds?? oh and i exercised 2 times this week. should i dink alot of green tea and vinigir and water and exercize tommorrow? and wen i take the drug test on tusaday will it be good?




  1. depends on what day last week....monday? friday? that can make a big assuming your talking about weed and it can stay in your system for a few weeks...also are u a regular smoker or is this the first time in awhile?? that makes a big difference too...obviously the more you smoke the more thats gonna be in your system...pills sometimes work sometimes don't....depends if your consistent with them...i recommend drinking a lot of cranberry juice, it flushes out your system, and go to the sauna and sweat some of it out....good luck!

  2. i really have no clue about smoking i hate it!. but all i can tell you is keep doing what your doing. drink drink drink and exercise. but i still font understand how it would effect your body, ha ha. i just confuse my self anyways. good luck!

  3. It depends on how often you smoke. Regularly it could take a week to a month, but like once or twice a month it could take as short as three days. You're pretty much doing everything i ever heard of, but THC doesn't dissolve in water, so that water and vinegar stuff is imo and in scientist opinion BS, so exercise is probably more important. I don't want to encourage you to pass drug tests in order to smoke more weed, but i will say there are cleansing detoxification kits. I will ask Please just do what is right.

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