
Ok me and my friends caught these people stealing stuff from this guy and woman they said if we told anyone...

by  |  earlier

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about that they would find us and beat the c**p outta us nobody knows what we should do PLESEEEEE help me!=(




  1. I'll need more details. like a. who are these people, b. what did they steal c. who are the people they stole from.

  2. they would probably be cought (if you told on them)before they could beat the c**p outta u and your friends, besides, its the best to do the right thing.

  3. I think almost every city has a silent witness program. Call the police and turn them in as a silent witness. The police will not ask your name and nobody will know who turned them in.

  4. you could always be anonomous.

  5. Mind your own business..That's what you should do.

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