
Ok my 4 month old son weighs in at 16 1/2 lbs is this too much?? he is in the 92 percentile??

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he is momma's big boy!! he has like 6 fat rolls in each arm which i think its cute but some ppl say oh well my baby was never that chunky and i am sick of hearing it!! anyone else had big babies??

that is him in my picture!!!!!!!!!!




  1. My son was long and skinny until he hit 3 mos and then he porked out big time - we called him our little buddha baby!  When he was 6 mos old he was in the 105th percentile!  Now he is 3 1/2 yrs old and everyone complains to me how skinny he is and that I need to feed him more because you can see every rib.  You just can't win.  Kids will grow at their own pace and I'll be darned if I have any control over how much or little he eats.

  2. My son was around there at 4 months, too. He is now about 20 lbs and almost 8 months old. He was in the 75th percentile for a while, but he is slowing down now. I don't think that your son weighs too much, he is probably just a larger baby.

  3. My first was 20lbs at 4 months.  I remember waiting for the new WHO weight chart for breastfed babies and while it does have higher weights 20lbs is off the charts -but his height was off the chart

    I'm sorry people are being rude, I never got any negative comments.

    However it is possible for babies, particularly bottle fed babies (regardless of what is in the bottle) to become obese.  You might want to make an appointment with a pediatric nutritionist if there is a big difference in his height percentile and weight percentile -just to double check that there isn't a problem.

  4. Big baby means you are doing a great job feeding him.  My 10 week old, only breastfed son weighs 15.6 lbs (thats the 98th percentile).  Makes the midwives and doctors happy, not worried.  Just remember - some babies have to be that big, otherwise the chart wouldn't go that high.  

  5. I think he is sooo cute I love chubby chubbs on babies. I think its really ok because he is just a baby and even if he is a little big he will grow into it. My friends four month old weighs 19.9. I have a friend who has a tiny baby she says he weighs 16 pounds and he is 9 months and his face is cute and everything but eeww so skinny for a baby. They are def. way cuter with chubby chubb.

  6. what does your pediatrician tells you?  

  7. My daughter was 16 lbs at 4 months. :)  I was 18 lbs!!!!!!   She is now a very healthy 22 month old who's pretty lean.  I'm a normal sized person.  

    He's adorable!!

  8. My son at 4 months weighs 15lbs. I think 16 1/2 isn't too bad, he will be just fine!!

  9. Well, he doesn't look too big to me in the pic.

    I wouldn't worry yet -- he'll probably have times when he slows on the

    weight gain also.  That first year  is just not the time to worry about

    weight too much.

    As long as the doc is okay with it, I'd leave it alone.

    Just ignore people's comments.

  10. well for 4 months that's not very normal.but he's still very cute!hey i saw another one of your things that said he was born on april 29th that's cool that's my birthday too!

  11. hehehe what a cutie! Yea I have a fat boy too. At four months I think he was just under 15... Currently he's 7 months old and 21 lbs!

    here's my boy... (For comparison purposes only- You don't have to tell me he's cute- I already know it!)

    : )

  12. He's fine!  My daughter has been 'off the charts' since 3 months.  She's 15 months and weighs 30 lbs.  My pediatrician says as long as height and head circumfrance also stay in the same range she's fine.  No need to watch calories.  She's 34.5 inches and 50cm head cir.

    Unless your ped is concerned, tell all those people that he's just a healthy boy!  

  13. He is fine!  All babies are different.  My four month old (just barely four months) is pushing 18lbs.  He is long too...but he has nice baby rolls on his legs. The doc says he is healthy and happy.  Therefore, I refuse to worry about people saying he is a big boy.  I am a big myself (height-wise) and figure that he is just going to be a bigger child.

  14. cute as a baby but stinks for self esteem for a fat kid. Do him a favor and stop over feeding him (and thinking his rolls are cute!)

    Talk to your doctor about how much and how often he should be eating.

    edit: ask any fat kid and see if he is glad his momma overfed him or if its "cute"

  15. All babies are different.  Some healthy babies are at the top of the charts, others are near the bottom.

    If he's meant to weigh this much, then that's the right weight for him.

    (And, at any rate, according to the chart I looked at 16 pounds is about the 70th percentile for 4 months, not the 92nd.)

    As long as you are offering appropriate food for his age (breastmilk or formula only) he will gain at the rate nature intends for him, and it's irrelevent if he's bigger or smaller than your friends' babies.

  16. well i cant see him very well but i think that as long as the Dr. isn't concerned then i don't see why anyone else would be, my daughter was born weighing 10 pounds so she was always bigger than other baby's i think its cute as long as they are health.

  17. It's ok, my son was the exact same way =)  He'll even out, especially once he's mobile

  18. He is not too big.  Emma has been between the 75 to 95 percentile since birth.  That said, she has also been above the 90% for height.  How is your little boy's height in comparision to his weight?

  19. What a cutie!  Your son's in the normal range.  Is he long (tall) as well? My kid was always in the 95th percentile in weight, length (and fortunately now in IQ tests) so don't sweat the numbers. If you're really worried, check with the pediatrician. She'll tell you that it's normal for young babies to have rolls of fat. I used to laugh at my kid's wrists which had a crease between the fatty hand and arm.  Baby fat disappears when the baby becomes a toddler and starts racing around.  Congrats on having a healthy baby.

  20. Is he bottle fed? because a lot of babies get fat from formula and no, it's not too much. He's a baby and a lot of babies are fat. You can't actually put a baby on a diet to make them lose weight. But you might consider breastfeeding your next baby knowing that this one has the weight issue. Good luck!

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