
Ok my baby's (zebra) finch;s beak does not look good at all please help?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i have my baby bErd =) thats actually hes name... so hes 5 years old and i love him so much... i been treating him perfectly... but i have noticed something on hes beak its been like this for 3 days now.. the first time i saw it i thought it was just food cuz he eats messy lol... so what it is it look like the SIdE of hes beak seems cracked but its not orange... its a yellowish colour... you know how u have bad nail sticking out of the side of your finger.. well it looks like dat.??? i really dont know wut it is and i really am lookn for help anyone can help me?? please




  1. It might help to see a picture - since I can't tell what's going on by a description alone.

    A bird's beak grows just like its toenails, and sometimes it can chip in places but it's nothing serious - other times the bird can somehow sustain damage that needs to be address medically by a vet.

    Also, sometimes - it's a matter of a flaw in the alignment of the beak and it growing out at a funky angle or crossing (scissorsbeak), which can also be addressed and fixed at the vet for little charge.

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