
Ok my boyfriend's Desi but I'm not?

by  |  earlier

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What would ur family think if u were dating a non-Desi?

I know the whole dating thing is probably a secret anyway, right?




  1. I would be more worried about 'your' spelling.

  2. okay heres the thing.

    being in an asain family is about the honor, protecting the name.

    its not that they dont like whites(or typical americans), its that they think that the whites have a different way of raising their children.

    the white accept more. like kissing and all of that.

    the children of the immigrants know this and still do it.

    but the parents are forever going to have some traditional in them.

    they may actually like you, but they dont want you to make him any less innocent. not v card but just in general the entire thing.

    hm idk its sort of hard to explain to an, but i hope i did an alright job.

  3. well.they will accept us.but why to do such sort of relations.coz it hurts our parents.

  4. doesnt matter

  5. you are distorting the meaning of the word desi. desi means local. if you ( it is just a guess ) are an americal and live in america you are a desi ( local ). people generally refer  to Indians as Deshi, but Indian also are desi in India only.

  6. Youre not Indian you mean?

    Well they shouldnt care, thats just traditional racist views.

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