
Ok my crazy girlfriend has this idea that hurt the environment but i need proof that i am not... thanks?

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ok she says i need to cut those soda can holder things or else birds get stuck in them and die and i told her thats crazy a bird wouldnt go by plastic its a man made product.... duh.. and if it did then maybe its stupid or trying to kill itself? and sometimes i am too lazy to bring my garbage in garbage bags to the curb so i just throw it outside and my gf say it blows away so they cant get it and i say oh well it isnt by us so its somewhere else who cares it isnt hurting OUR environement, also so says i shouldnt drive my car anymore but i like to drive so whatev... i care about the environment and all but arent her ideas crazy? i mean i actually dont even use ANY paper products so there i am saving the rainforests




  1. Just re-read yourself, you'll see. She is right. I don't think it will hurt you too much to bring your garbage bags to the curb ...

    She doesn't have to ask you to stop driving your car, just don't drive to go somewhere near to where you are and if you can walk then choose to walk. I think it's nice that she thinks about the environment, you've got a nice girl: don't come here say she's crazy for so few. Think about it, xxxx.

  2. Your girlfriend is right. You DO need to cut the soda can holders. Birds CAN get stuck in them.

    Infact - she's right about everything, and you're wrong.

  3. you are an idiot and need to get out more

    open your eyes to what is in the paper and you might see stuff that tells you what is happening to you junk or just google waste collection and see what comes up

    seriously the environment may seem fine but that is because of all the government workers that pick up after everyone

  4. Well you are Littering and that's against the law. So you might be reported to the police, and your facing a huge fine.  And yes of course a bird/duck/animal could get stuck in the soda can holders. It's actually a big problem in the environment right now. You should do some research! I mean you don't have to completely be a "hippie" when it comes to the environment but at least be decent and considerate of other things living in the area.  Don't be so insensitive to the other things around, and not a slob.

    And the reason that you think the environment is still okay, is probably you haven't seen a bird die from it yet. Perhaps when you do, it'll change your mind.

  5. You can harm the environment by being irresponsible with your waste.  Check the link to see what those 6-pack rings can do.

  6. 1. I think its true about the soda can holder thing, but kind of unlikey but STILL TRUE 2. It just doesnt affect you directly, it will probably always affect someone else and think about karma buddy!

  7. Your girlfriend is Psycho.

  8. do wat your girlfriend tells you it may seem stupid and all but she's right.. :o

    If you care about the enviroment then Do more helpful enviromental stuff and the enviroment as well as your girlfriend will LUV U even more than B4...

  9. youre one of the reasons for global warmings you idiot!

    taylor <3

  10. No, don't cut the soda can holder things. As long as you throw them out into the garbage or recycle them, nothing should get stuck in there. However, you should definitely not litter- it's irresponsible and really makes it look ugly outside. Feel free to drive anywhere you want- it's not like there is any definite alternative.

  11. She is right to some degree... In places like London you see allot of pigeons that have gotten caught up in the plastic soda holders and string.  Fishing line is the worst, however.  It is really sad to see because it slowly cuts off circulation to their legs until the limp falls off...

    Good Luck and I Hope this Helps...

  12. Your girlfriend is psycho, but so are you. You're girlfriend is a little bit extreme but at the same time you are too inextreme.

    Maybe not every bird is dumb enough to eat plastic, but there are some that just don't know. I mean, they're animals they don't have bird schools saying "DON"T EAT THE PLASTIC!" if everyone in the world threw the soda plastic out onto the street that's a lot of 'food' to tempt the birds.

    You said that you throw things out into the street. You do know that littering is illegal in most places right? You do know that lots of times the trash makes its way into rivers and lakes and create little dams of trash.... that stop fish and get caught in boats and make the world ugly. do you want to live in a world that trash is just thrown everywhere? I don't. And if everyone acts like you are. It's going to end up that way.

  13. many animals do get trapped into those plastic soda rings. it is not a myth (note the picture of the heron on the website given). so you should in fact take the extra 5 seconds and cut them or better yet buy the 12 packs of soda in the card board if you can. and actually if you use recycled paper and then in turn recycling it back you are doing more good than by using plastic as plastic takes YEARS to degrade unless you are recycling that as well. though never driving again is a bit unrealistic, however, driving less is not... you can walk/bike when you can, car pool if you can or take the bus.

  14. The movie "Happy Feet" illustrates her concern.  It is not a problem if the plastic is kept away from animals (recycled, kept in a landfill) but *may* cause problems if birds can get to it, or it washes out to the ocean.

    Rainforests can be destroyed even if nobody uses paper.  People cut them down to make farmland.

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