
Ok.. my friend wants me to spend the night ?

by  |  earlier

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and go to the beach with her tomorrow.. but im not really comfortable in a bathing suit because im chunky, i was thinking of saying that i didnt have a bathing suit and just go in like shorts & a tshirt. but she might make me put one of her old bathing suits on what should i do?




  1. ok be confident...if your a little chunky who cares!! no one will be looking at you unless you have a nervous embarassed look on your face.

    The good part is you're going to the beach not a you can wear a shirt and shorts in the water.

    Maybe wear a one piece and shorts? So you arent completley covered up but still not bare. But honestly...act confident...people will feel the positive energy u bring off and they will be like 'wow that girl is confident!!'

    dont worry about looking chunky. its prob. just ur mind playing tricks on u

  2. If your friend is really your friend she'll understand if you just tell her you'd rather wear something other than a bathing suit.  

  3. Hiya. you look really pretty in your picture, and an average weight. I've seen much bigger people on the beach! But anyway, I understand your point. Now, for the people that say she should just wear the bikini, thats fine yes, but thats not the question. You feel unconfident with doing this? right. Now interestingly, you described your mate as a 'friend'. If she's a friend, you should be able to talk to her, or briefly say I want to wear a t-shirt and shorts, because I think it looks cuter, or if you happy with saying so just say you arent confident wearing a bikini. You don't even need to explain why to be perfectly honest. Just say 'you want to'. If she asks way just say 'because I do'. Stick to your guns and be strong in your voice. She can't force you to wear a bikini, it's up to you. It's just like decided to wear a swimsuit over a bikini. You wouldn't get someone asking 'why?'. It just is a decision. Like yours is. Now have fun on the beach and don't care what anybody else thinks. Your opinion and view of yourself is the only one that matters.

  4. but a 1 piece on w/shorts

    or just tell her the truth, she'll understand and probably make you feel a lot better

    or you can say no when she tells you to take hers...besides it is =]

  5. If she is your friend she wont judge you. Also when your on the beach maybe wear cover-up or shorts and a t-shirt. Then when you go in the water, or if you do, you'll be covered and i bet your fine! You could always find a bathing suit that flatters your shape! But all-in-all if she is a good friend she wont care what you look like in a bathing suit. I say go out there and soak up the sun!

  6. tell yor friend that you or someone in your family nearly drowned. say you are scared of the water so you dont even have a suit. then where whatever you want.when you dont nknow what to say lying tends to be best

  7. You don't look 'chunky' in your image.  Go in whatever you feel comfortable in.  You don't need to give excuses to people.  You just say this is what I feel comfy in today - but only if you are asked.  Have a good time.

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