
Ok my "best friend" and my boyfriend?

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well lets just say my best friend says she doesnt like my bf, like not as a friend or anything. shes always saying hes such a *** and an a*****e and he treats me like s**t which i have to disagree weve had some fights but thats normal for couples but we love each other alot. well since school started shes always "smiley" around him like at lunch i sit with him and his friends and shes like at the table next to us, a few times she would turn around and smile at him and he would just give her a weird look, same in a few other classes. my other friend says she might like him. she actually wants me to break up with him after how many times ive told her i love him! what do u think about this? and what can i do? i cant stand it when she says all guys are a******s or f**s [she hasnt been in the best relationships, including with my bf in 6th grade] ik my bf isnt either of those and i want to stand up for him when she calls him those things but what exactly can i say? i feel like flipping out on her




  1. She's probably jealous and I bet she likes him.How on earth do you call her a best friend??? A best friend gives up everything for another best friend.You have a sweet bf who you love and if she can't stand it then she's the *** here.If she really was ur best friend then she would have told you to stay in a relationship with him.SERIOUSLY!! Dump her b4 anythign.

  2. stick to your boyfriend, your best friend's got issues. just be normal and since you really love your boyfriend stay with him .o ooohhh and the stupid comments your best friend makes about him, just ignore them and tell her somth like "don't you care at all that you're insulting my bf in front of me after i've told you how much i love him ? " somth like that. hope it doesn't become a fight though. oh......and make sure she's actually your best friend, from the sounds of it doesn't seem like she's your friend at all.

  3. If you think that she likes him,you go and straightaway ask to her.May be she wants you as her best friend for ever..if she is a kind minded girl only.Otherwise,she must like your boy friend but you should never give up.You can ask your boyfriend to go and talk to her,tell him to ask her that whether she likes him or she wants you as her friend etc.Pray to your god that if she is good,give me her as a best friend and my boy friend.GOOD LUCK !Dont let your boyfriend think that she is better than you,keep on buttering him and say yes!Ok for whatever he says.

  4. HELLOoooo. . .SHE likes him!

    All the signs are there!

    She is calling him names as she likes him && trying to get you to break up w/ him because she likes him. .& plus she smiles @ him.

    If he gives her a weird look he probably doesn't feel that same way!

    Talk to her about this. . simply tell her you love him & let her know you're NOT going to break up w/ him. .

    It sounds like she's been trying to steal your bf's. . .

    Seriously, just TELL her you know she likes him. . but he's yours.

    Stand up for yourself, girl.

    Best of luck be w/ you! =]

  5. say, "hey, do you like my bf? do you? first you call him an a-hole, and now i see you smiling at him all the time!"

  6. well i went through something similar but i was the friend saying that MANY time and i was always right. i had a friend who her first boyfriend dated like every girl in school and i told her he would dump her in a week and he did and she kept making wrong choses. and as for her smiling at him what is she supposed to do flip him off every time her looks at her??? but every person is diffrent she may want u to dump him so she can have him or maybe she really is concerned.

  7. if you don't like her commenting on your guy then stop rubbing her nose in it, don't sit with him when she is there and why are you sat with him with his friends ?

    why not let him sit with his friends and you do your thing with your friends.

    maybe your mate feels like she has been pushed out but once you start to see your b/f on your own you can tell her not to put him down he is nothing to do with her

  8. wow

    tell her to stop being a w***e and to get her own man

    i feel for you girl


  9. Just tell her you love your bf and that isnt going to change. If you need too, flip out on her, shes being a *****, she deserves it!

  10. sounds like she's insecure and can only cut everybody else down to make her dumba** self feel important.  drop her and keep your bf

  11. maybe you should talk to her about it...

  12. What about the guy you lobotomized, did he get a refund?

  13. sit her down and get the truth out of her and make her realize how messed up it is.  

  14. i would bring it up in front of both of the so she nos and he do to sounds like she doesnt want you to have any friends i would watch that or stay away from her

  15. jus tell her not to say that bout ur bf.if she b*****s then flip out on her

    ps.i think ur best friend has a crush on ur bf

  16. You're 13 years old and you already have a boyfriend???? Why???  Stick with your "best friend"'re too young to have boyfriends, let alone be "in love". No offense, you're still just a kid!!!  Real love is so much more than just kissing, going to the movies, listening to each other's favorite music, etc...

  17. The answer is simple..... your best friends seems jealous of you having a boy friend she is probably jelous of you when your sitting with him and she looks to be trying o get in on the an i think you should tell her how you feel and dont let her call your bf all that **** ..... i understand because my best friend was jelous too and she was exactly how you explained

  18. I think you should ask her to try to get along and just try to put a limit to the disrespect, because honestly it's not respectful.

    Even if she doesn't like him she should still show a little bit of respect.

  19. Go up to her in person and say, "You say that you dislike him.  You want me to break up with him.  Why is it that, all of a sudden, you can't stop smiling at him?"  Maybe she only tells you these things because she's jealous.  Now, she can be jealous for two reasons: 1) She wants him, so she doesn't want you to have him; 2) She wants a boyfriend, so she doesn't want you to have one.  Say to her, sincerely, "Are you trying to break us up?  Are you only saying these things so that you can have him?  Do you just want me to be single with you?"  Be nice about it, don't have an attitude, and be a good, listening, caring, and open friend to her.  You'll find out if she's a real friend or not, and, if not, then don't be as close to her as you are, but, no matter what happens, never become her enemy.  My friends did me wrong, so I stopped talking to them, but I promised no hostility (i.e. bad mouthing, dirty looks, etc.).  So, we don't hate each other, but we're not friends, but no one's hurting anyone in anyway, so it's almost like we never even met.  Good luck!

  20. she likes him now and is probably pushing up on him. tell her to step off or you'll end the friendship.

  21. Ok I'm 13 too! I think that you're bff is a *****! Just tell her how you feel! Answer mine;...

  22. flip out at her then, tell her off.

    and clearly she isnt your friend shes just some dumb w***e thats wants your man (;  

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