
Ok my sun and moon sign are.....

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My sun sign is Leo and my moon sign is Scorpio, so what exactly does this mean? I know that Leo's are ego, protective and a a certain drive which is particularly strong, but what does having Scorpio as my moon sign add?




  1. The Leo Sun/Scorpio Moon combination produces a vital character possessed of a highly-charged temperament. In order to achieve the lofty potential offered by this configuration...which is indeed exceedingly dynamic and powerful...these persons will need to learn how to control both passion and temper. Leo natives governed by a Scorpio Moon have a tendency, by nature, to become very emotionally and personally involved in problems or debates. In fact, it would be something of an understatement to say that the likes and dislikes of such individuals are extremely well-defined. Occasionally, a bout of "ranting and raving" can easily result if there is a failure to maintain a "tight lid" on natural inclinations...yet, personal success and happiness may well depend on keeping full control over such emotions and feelings. In short, it is necessary for Leo Sun/Scorpio Moon subjects to direct their energies along constructive lines. There is an inherent magnetism here which will invariably lead to much achievement in the area of leadership. However, there is likely to be far more emotionalism than mental depth in the character make-up. Leo natives ruled by a Scorpio Moon possess an intensely confident and positive nature, often revealing considerable pride and self-regard. They do not appear to rely on logic, intuition or reason but, instead, react on pure instinct. High in moral attitudes, these persons "draw the line" on others quickly and judge those around them far too readily based upon personally stated standards...which these individuals may not always live up to themselves. In sum, everything is colored by personal biases and there is little capacity for objectivity or detachment. This combination of Zodiac signs makes for an extremely driving placement, bent on obtaining power and authority and very capable of fulfilling such objectives. Leo Sun/Scorpio Moon natives are keenly alert to personal interests in business or executive affairs, as well as being aggressive, vigilant and determined. They act quickly upon ideas and without hesitation. These are determined and shrewd individuals who are essentially dramatic...ones who are the main characters in any given drama, themselves occupying center stage.

  2. Hi Rpg

    This combination gives a very positive character, and though you have sympathetic tendencies through your Leo nature, yet your personal self will be rather proud, somewhat egotistical, and you will have a great love of external appearances, and appear well to the world.

    The internal nature of leo cannot be very well expressed. A great deal depends upon your own attitude towards the world in general, and your own environment in particular as shown by the other planetary configuration. You have ttact and will be somewhat critical and sceptical.

  3. your moon sign deals with your emotions. Check this site out. It will give you a better outlook.

  4. You are boastful, flamboyant and a loud leader to the world because of Leo. You are sensitive, secretive and probably have intense emotions because your moon is in Scorpio.

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