
Ok need help on a science question i was thinking about =S?

by  |  earlier

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How come in the shade it is cold but when you step out it is hot. I think it has something to do with particles? but then again i think im wrong. I think that there are cold particles in the shade but Hot particles in the rest of the area. But if thats true then how come the cold particles stay in that area? its like a wall between the hot and cold and that has to be impossible! please help! im so confuzzed lol And sorry if you dont understand this question. Im only 14 so im not good at explanations!




  1. basically i concur with sereen

  2. Basically young lady/man air particles are everywhere the reason behind it being warmer when you step out of the shade is that the particles in that area gain heat from the sun, while when you are in the shade there isn’t any or little source of heat so air particles are colder, however when particles gain energy/heat they start to vibrate and by so spread the heat to the other particles. But by the time it reaches the shaded side the heat reduces significantly and due to the fact that the shaded part has no light then the particles cannot regain that heat.

    Hope that is useful to you

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