
Ok new freakin spider as anyone seen or know if its classified?

by  |  earlier

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its a hybrid i think its a black widow it as the red hour glass and kills its mate but it brown and the body of a laclous and its bigger and longer than a black widow and they don't hide in wet, dark places i have seen 2 one was in a tree and the other was in the corner of my backdoor way there not say i tried to jar her and she would have it so i had to spray and kill her to get her in a jar.




  1. It is a black widow. its odd shape and color could be as a result

    of hatching spider lings from her egg sac. black widows are cannibalistic when young.

  2. good for you, murderer.

  3. You killed it, you caught it, dump it out on the table already and photograph it and maybe we'll have a chance at identifying it.

  4. is it a brown widow spider?

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