
Ok now Honestly how many of you smoked pot during pregnancy???

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Ok this is not meant to offend anyone so please leave rude answers in your own thoughts....I have being seeing more and more questions about this and I personally know people who have smoked pot during pregnancy and their children are just fine but what is the difference between smoking cigerettes and weed??? I dont get it ?? Why is it okay (well not okay but accepted) for someone to smoke cigerettes but not weed ??? from what I have read they have the same effects on a unborn child but one is legal and the other one is not??? But when someone asks what are the effects or how long does it stay in your system people often respond with you shouldnt be able to have children etc. Isnt this a place to try to get answers and help people other than degrade them instead of trying to give them some useful info and sites to help them quit? I just want to know how many people have actually smoked a cigerrete or weed while pregnant ???




  1. We all do, you krazy girlfiend!!!

    Love that heroin toooooo!!!



    All my best,

    Courtney Love

    BTW, this is a silly answer to a stupid question

  2. Well, to be quite honest cigs are worse than anything on a fetus, and I know that poeple have actually had their babies taken from them because they were born with THC in their system.  I lived in another country where weed smoking is prevalent, even during pregnancy and I have not seen nor heard of any negative effects, BUT I am not a doctor, just telling you what I have seen.  I know with my first pregnancy I was sick as a dog and my doctor told me that smoking some weed would not only make me feel less sick, but would help me be able to gain the weight that I needed to, AND it would not hurt the baby, now granted this was in another country, and I didn't do it.  But I hope that answered some of your questions.  Good luck, but just remember, it's not worth getting your child taken from you  just to smoke some weed, save that for later!!  ;)

  3. I smoked cigerretes my entire pregnancy. I however did not smoke any weed. The doctors really did not get on me much about smoking, they basically just told me to try and cut down. My little boy was very healthy when he was born and is still a very healthy 2 year old.  So by the answers I have read because I smoked through out my pregnancy means I am not intellent?? Please give me a break.  

  4. Not me, or anyone intelligent, or anyone who cares about their child..

  5. Never smoked anything while pregnant.

  6. Never did.  Here is the honest facts:  There are no clear studies on how pot smokeing affects an unborn fetus.  There are a lot of other chemicals in it that can affect an unborn child such as pesticides for one example.  Marijuana is not composed of only THC (the chemical that gets you "high").  There can be up to 400 other chemicals in it which is why no conclusive studies exist.  The question is not about how many did it and had healthy children or why is it legal to smoke cigarettes and not pot.  The question is why would you even risk it?????

  7. I don't think this is a stupid question at all. I don't think she is asking for permission people i think she is just wondering. So stop being so mean. At the beginning of my pregnancy there were a lot of people who started smoking pot and told me I wouldn't harm the baby and that it does less effect to you and the baby then cigarettes. I do not agree. Smoke is going into your lungs and blood which goes into your baby. Getting high is caused by damaged brain cells. Which is caused by the chemicals going through your blood to your brain. The chemicals also go through your blood to the baby's developing brain and slows the brain development. So to wrap this up, its not a good idea to smoke anything while you are pregnant. If you want to harm yourself then go ahead, but don't harm that unborn baby who cant make decisions on their own.

    When i say "you" I'm speaking of people in general, not you directly.  

  8. 1.smoking weed has thc that's is highly addictive and once the baby is introduced to this they become addicted to it if continued for a long time! it also cause birth defects as well as smoking ciggs might leave your child's lungs under developed or give your child asthma.

    2.i don't really understand this either but what i do know is that the reason it is not accepted because smoking weed again can cause death defects and the child to become addicted to drugs you have not really seen a baby that was addicted to ciggs

    3.this is non sense as well all because you smoke weed you should not be able to have kids that's crazy yea i would have to agree with it though if the pregnant women continues to smoke while know she is prego

    4.and yes this is a place to get answers not degrade people but like the women asking stupid questions about teen moms and hating on them its basically the same thing there is just alot of immature people out there and don't care how other people feel yea i have one or two hate messages and that because they are ignorant mom smoked while prego i personally did not though

  9. I did not smoke either when I was pregnant. I have actually never, in my entire life, even tried cigarettes or pot. It has no appeal to me.

    Depending on what research you read, there are probably going to be contradicting answers on the effects of pot to the baby. But why risk it?

  10. I've never done either!!  They are both stupid and disgusting, regardless of being pregnant or not!!

  11. Well I dont think it IS accepted to smoke cigarettes when pregnant either really. I have a friend who smokes both when she is pregnant (and no she's not a teenager, she is 30 years old) and although her babies come out ok, they are a bit small. I do like her as a friend but I was horrified when I found out she smoked marijuana and cigarettes. I mean don't you care enough for your baby to give it up for 9 months? It has been shown that smoking causes unborn babies some harm so why take that risk for your own enjoyment?

  12. If they had the same effects on an unborn child, and on yourself then obviousely pot would not be illegal.  Not sure where you got your info. from, this is a place to get answers, BUT if you ask a stupid question you are going to get a stupid answer.  Its common sense.  Who could ever fathom smoking anything while pregnant??? makes me sick.

  13. I'm 40 and do not smoke anything, especially during pregnancy.  An quick attempt at each one in 8th grade taught me they are equally stinky, nasty, and pointless.  I think it's always best to err on the side of caution while pregnant.  I don't necessarily buy the "well we did it and our kids turned out okay", not about anything, really.  People use that alot and I've noticed that often they're actually NOT okay.  What does "they turned out okay" actually mean?  No obvious problems?  They're perfectly fine?  None of these descriptions actually means anything.  I remember talking with a neighbor years ago and this very subject came up--smoking while pregnant.  The mother in question had 3 kids and insisted that she didn't get why they said don't smoke, she had and all of her kids "turned out just fine".  Well, two of them were severely ADHD, one had chronic migraines at 6 years old, all three of them were learning disabled, and more.  I'm not saying smoking caused all that.  But the point is this:  how can you say what problems your child may have are or are not related to bad habits during pregnancy?  Or poor parenting choices, or immature parents, or any other factor.  I remind my husband of this and how many of his family members are alcoholics when he tells me how they were raised and says, "And we turned out just fine."

  14. For every dumb a  ss female that has smoked while pregnant, and had a healthy child, theres one whos baby was a still born or died of sids. question is, why would anyone take the risk? Believe me smoking while pregnant is not accepted, and the women who do it know they are disgusting selfish pieces of S**t, which is why you hardly EVER see them doing it in public, they hide.

  15. the reason that people think it is okay to smoke weed is that there are no effects of it until preschool age. That is when the learning disabilities start to emerge. And in mother that have smoked weed when pregnant, it has shown to be significantly higher for a child to be ADD, ADHD, and have slower abilities to learn.

    I see this especially with my 3 year old nephew. His mother smoked frequently during her pregnancy. His parents refuse to have him diagnosed for anything and I think his is autistic.

    If it isn't okay for you than it is NEVER okay for your baby. My nephews mother thinks it is okay because her friends did it, but all of her friends that did it, their children have severe learning problems.....duh.

  16. I smoked cigarettes during my first pregnancy. I tried everything in the world to quit...gum, patch, etc (which my doctor told me was better for me than actually smoking, because of all the other chemicals in cigarettes)...and I couldn't. I couldn't...I couldn't I couldn't. If that makes me a horrible person...than so be it. But I did smoke. I wouldn't say it was right but I couldn't quit. My baby boy is now 3, and as healthy as can be. He was fine when he was born too. Soo...I guess I got lucky. Personally I think weed is classified as a drug for a reason. But then who am I to say. I wouldn't do it, but then again alot of ppl wouldn't do cigarettes either. Just my thoughts!


  18. I smoked up till I was 14 weeks than I felt too guilty and quit. I havent smoked cigs since than either. I may puff after she is born  though- And eat buffalo wings and drink some beer too. haha

  19. Never- I couldnt imagine risking my child.

    Wouldnt a doctor eventually catch it in your system and say something?

  20. More people accept that preg women smoking cigs because we all know how powerful that addiction is.  Some docs will actually say that it is better to keep smoking than have the baby put under the stress of your body going through the withdrawls and your stress as you try to quit.  While marijuana can be emotionally addicitive, it is NOT chemically addictive, which means 99% of people can lay it down with no problems.

    Both are very very bad, and cigs are actually worse than weed because of all the extra chemicals in cigs.  But both reduce the amount of oxygen the baby receives and can lead to not only low birth weight, but birth defects.

    The biggest problem with smoking weed is the legality.  People are telling you that you shouldnt be allowed to have children not just because weed is illegal, but because you risk loosing your child.  You and your child will be tested at delivery and if either of you are positive for marijuana or any other narcotic, you can and will loose custody of your baby.  People condemn the ones who ask these questions because, honestly, if you cant refrain from these things for 9 months for the health of your child, then what are you going to do when you have no money to put food on the table because you are smoking?  Or when your child has asthma, but you just cant quit smoking in the house?  Ect.

    As a preg person, you just gave up the luxery to do whatever you want to your body.  Sorry, but its time to grow up.

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