
Ok now i've seen alot of vampire accounts on here.......?

by Guest65585  |  earlier

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you probably think im a stupid little kid but "vampires" are you what you say you are?




  1. The people who claim to be vampires are only lying to themselves...

  2. They're just crazy people.

  3. You are right to suspect many posers. I am what i say I am but I don't expect everyone to believe me and if you don't that is your belief. I am a sang/psi hybrid. There are a few real vampires on here but many posers as well.

  4. Can you clarify your question a little?

  5. I don't broadcast on my profile but I most definitely a vampire.

  6. agreed you are an idiot

  7. I don't technically claim to be a vampire, but rather that I'm a little psi-vampiric. I certainly don't claim to be anything like a fictional vampire. The real vamps on here differ from the posers in some crucial ways.

    1. Real vampires (sanguinarians, psychic vampires and hybrids) don't claim to be immortal or have supernatural powers. They don't claim to be eternally young or immune from diseases.

    2. Real vampires claim to need a subtle energy that can be found in blood, but they don't claim to live exclusively on blood. Real vampires eat food the same as anyone else does.

    3. Real vampires say it's not such a great thing to be a vampire. Much of the time they feel crappy and they still have all the same problems that non-vampires have too.

    4. Real vampires don't claim to have been "turned" or to be able to turn anyone else into a vampire.

    5. Real vampires don't claim to be anything like fictional ones. They say they look, act and live like anyone else.

    I don't understand why some people continue to say we're wannabees and goths. We define the terms "real vampire" and "living vampire" to mean something that is almost nothing like the fictional ideal of what a vampire is. We don't pretend to be anything like fictional vampires. We say we have a weakness rather like "energy diabetes".  We don't claim to be super-humans. Whatever abilities real psychic vampires have, they're all ones that non-vampires can also have. We're just a little more likely to have them. Some of these, such as empathy, can be very bothersome too. Some of us dress goth, but most of us don't. Most of us look and act like anyone else and have regular jobs and lives.

    Some very good statistics on self-professed vampires can be found at this site. (Click on the charts at the bottom of the page to enlarge them.)

    - P.

  8. there are no such things as vampires.

  9. No they are a bunch of wanna-be vampires or they want to be an energy sucking vampire.... either way they have no concept of what awaits most vampire period.............. For there is no way a true vampire would want to give up their location............ And all of thes so called vampire have no idea about what information an Ip address can give someone that hunts vampires..................

  10. There may be no such things as human vampires.

    So im sure people are just "role playing" or whatever.

    & don't feel stupid for asking.

    I believe in vampries. ;D

  11. none of us know if vampires truely do exist. there hasn't been any physical evidence that vampires live on Earth but that doesn't mean they do NOT exist. for all we know they could be hiding from us

    k now...getting back to your question. it's pretty lame of people to be pretending that they are something they are not. but it's their life so let them think they are vampires

  12. Most of those that I've found are just posers. There are a great many people who want to be vampires, for whatever reason. There is a somewhat small percent of people who really are vampires. They do exist, no matter what these other jerks say.

    Most of the real vamps I've found are just spreading awareness to the ignorant masses, like so many you see clogging the answer tab with their hateful opinions. If you want to find us, all you need to do is look. The internet is a wonderful resource. Good luck.

  13. You are an idiot.

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