
Ok now that I have found that extreme hair loss is normal after giving birth...?

by Guest61290  |  earlier

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How long does it normally last? The "Shedding Season" That is?! I get that it starts at about 2 months after giving birth, but, when does it normally stop?




  1. I'm still losing hair in bunches and its been 5 yrs

  2. I can't help with this one,  but I am having the SAME problem!!!  My little girl is 5 months old and I am STILL losing a ton of hair.....I already have really baby fine hair, so now there's seriously like nothing there....It SUCKS!!!  :(

  3. It depends on the person, and it could vary from pregnancy to pregnancy, if you have more than one baby.  (And, if you have any hair left at all after this experience!  Just kidding!)

    My baby is 18 months, and I still feel like I'm losing a lot of hair, although it has slowed up a bit.  Hopefully you're in a stable relationship with someone who will accept you no matter how bald you become.

    I'm sorry, it must be I'm tired and need to go to bed.  Seriously, though, you probably had increased hair growth during your pregnancy, due to all those pregnancy hormones.  So, you're not really going to end up bald, you will probably end up about the same as you were before you got pregnant.

    Hope that helps!

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