
Ok now that you have seen the press conference on bigfoot, what do you think?

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cnn had a press conference and they will be realesing dna results soon




  1. well, hunters get bored with hunting the same ol same ol, i am sure many would look forward to bigfoot season.  

    kidding.  they did not produce bigfoot,  only a picture, and, want money to show more, i smell scam.  if you had bigfoot in the freezer in your garage, you would be showing him to everyone, wouldnt you?  or would you just claim to have him, but would not let anyone see him?  

    i would want everyone to see him.  because then if it turned out he was real i could sell tickets to everyone else to see him.   hmmm, i dont see that happening here.  

  2. My first reaction is that I am a bit scared but I am also exited that we found a new species adn we can learn a lot about them

    P.S: I missed the confrence what did they say??

  3. what press conference?.. you mean about the gorilla suit in the cool box?.. ok, yeah, I believe... yeesh.

  4. I saw the news conference.  I dont know what to believe.  The 2 men that found the body seem like a couple dumbasses.  BUt I think the dumbass angle is actually working for them, because they seem like they are dumb enough to do a lot of the dumbass things they have done since finding the body.  If it was someone normal, and they did all the dumbass things these 2 guys have done, then I wouldnt have believed, them, but these 2 dumbasses, are so dumb its somewhat believeable.  really i dont know what to believe.  

  5. I just saw this on Yahoo home page about like 10mins ago.  

  6. What press conference ? There never will be one as the whole thing is just one big hoax. What people will do for a little publicity

  7. Do we even know for sure that one of these guys is a police officer?  When a reporter asked him if he was, he said he didn't want to talk about it.  Is that because it is against the law to impersonate an officer???  Whitton just seemed very guilty about telling these lies. He even said that he didn't expect this to blow up this big. I think he wanted to do this just for kicks and didn't expect to be holding a freakin' press conference!  He knows he's dug himself into a hole and is getting scared.  

  8. Its not real... I think its another hoax. The same guy did this in 2005. I wouldn't beleive it until I seen a body. Read this I got it off the news......    

         This is not the first time a Bigfoot body has been claimed to have been found. A man named Tom Biscardi, founder of something called the Great American Bigfoot Research Organization, once claimed he had captured a Bigfoot. On Aug. 19, 2005, Biscardi appeared on the radio show "Coast to Coast with George Noory." Biscardi claimed his group had captured a Bigfoot a week earlier, a male beast that weighed over 400 pounds and stood 8-feet tall. He said he would be presenting photos of it several days later. It turned out to be a hoax.

    Interestingly, Biscardi is also involved in the new Bigfoot body discovery.

    Speaking on behalf of the Georgia men this week, Biscardi said, "Extensive scientific studies will be done on the body by a team of scientists including a molecular biologist, an anthropologist, a paleontologist and other scientists over the next few months at an undisclosed location" under armed guard.

    If it all sounds very cloak-and-dagger, it is. Unnamed experts? Undisclosed location? Sounds more like "The X-Files" than real science.

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