
Ok now what (drugs and substance abuse)

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i am 16 and i was a drug addict for 3 years now that i am sober i dont know what to do i quit smoking cigs and i feel like i let go like i dont even smoke them but i cant through away that last pack its like saying that part of my life is really over and i am scared so now what i am going to a councilor on the 15th of this month should i tell them i am scared to i always lie to them (every time i went in the past) see i was a cutter then i turned to drugs instead now i am eating like all the time i keep switching 1 addiction for another and i have to say i dont like this eating thing lol but i just need some encouraging words to help me over this bump




  1. Talk to your councilor about all of these problems, but the key to your dilemma lies in correct medical management of your illness. Since your problem is overeating now, may I suggest topiramate as one of the drugs you should be taking.

  2. just tell the councilor whats going on and ask for some advice on dealing with it. but congrats on becoming sober.

  3. See a counselor and dont be afraid to tell the truth, they can't tell anybody anything you say. So is it that you don't want the counselor to know the truth, or you do not want to hear yourself admit the truth and then have to face it? You really need to figure out what exactly is triggering your addictions so that you can deal with it and get over it so you can move on in life. You just have to realize it will always be a struggle forever but you are stronger than any drugs or food or razor. You just really have to believe in yourself and believe that you will get better. If you believe in God you should really try praying for his help and guidance and for him to give you the strength to get better. Whatever you do will work you just have to remain optimistic.

  4. Got just the thing to get you over the bump. What I find really helpful to have a real fun relaxed stress and anxiety free day is to drink a few beers during the day. Have a few good beers in the morning, then if you go out, take a hip flask of whiskey with you and have a few good swigs during the day. After a super start to the day get stuck into the booze in the late afternoon. It really gives you a good night’s sleep and when you wake up feeling a bit fuzzy the next morning a few good swigs will set you up for another good stress free day. I’m having a ball and doing really well with my studies at University. I have a great part time job at a local book store and the management have no idea I’m half pissed all the time, I got employee of the month for the last two months and I am leading part time sales by heaps this month. It certainly makes the time go quick and adds a lot of fun to the day. Highly recommended.

  5. I'm bipolar, and in recovery from substance abuse too.  

    Congratulations on your progress. That's huge!

    You have the opportunity to show your counselor this posting, and explain that it's been surprisingly hard to talk about keeping the pack, and yet throwing it away too.  It is a real dilemma for you, and you can confidently share it.   The counselor will have heard this before, and will just be helpful.

    The freedom you may enjoy is something I wish everyone could feel!

    I think in your question, youve written the perfect words, just take them to the counselor , or email them in advance....then when you arrive, a solution will be already planned.  Good luck with the meeting!

  6. Just tell the truth to your counselor.  They can't report you for anything and ask if they can keep it a secret from your parents and they legally have too.  Tell them all you said here and they'll help you.

  7. Go to residential treatement center and get help from people that know how to minimize and even alleviate addiction to your system.

  8. Take advantage that you are going to a counselor, I understand why you lie to them but if you tell them the truth you will feel like you have lifted a weight off your shoulders. You might be eating a lot right now but at least you had the will power to get off the drugs and the ciggs. I almost fell into a drug addiction but I did have someone to help me control this. Just stay strong, you are young and have your life ahead of you. Think positive and look at these experiences as learning experiences that make you who you are. Good luck and have faith in yourself.  

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