
Ok obama worshipers whats going to happen when all his promises bust like a balloon and you finally see ?

by Guest61513  |  earlier

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that he is not a god and hillary and wild bill has lied to you that he isnt smart enough to go to the white house




  1. umm..all politicians promise and then don't deliver.

    I could ask you the same about McCain.

  2. Atleast he's PROMISING SOMETHING! McCain will just follow the same terrible polocies that George Bush made. Take the foot long d***o out of your *** and suck it.

  3. Have to agree having seen the amount of @rse l*****g the Clinton's have spewed over him. He's a puppet and what people can't see is that they are being roped in to an uncertain future. Here in the UK we had Blair and the similarities have to be seen to be believed. Blair and his conspirator Brown have devastated this country, don't let that happen to you.

  4. I would think the Obama worshippers would be very disappointed.  I really wonder what Obama offered the Clintons...or what they have up their sleeves to cave in like that.  Interesting.  I agree that I would bet a lot of Hillary supporters are so sorry she caved, and that goes the same for Bill.  

  5. i doubt it will be worse than the last 8 years.


    your against NAFTA,  i'm against every little thing the Republicans want and i can't wait for them to out of the house.

    Obama is a democrat, we can not afford 4 more years of absolute republican c**p.  i want our economy fixed, that's all i care about. and Democrats are good at it, and to the republicans who will give me thumbs down, it is a fact that in the last 60 years Bill Clinton was the only president to show a surplus in the economy, that is a fact.  whether you like Obama or not, support your party,  i live in a toss up state where my vote will actually count.

  6. Obama is just a slick talking lawyer from Chicago. He will say and promise anything to get elected. There is not enough money in America to pay for all the things he has promised to do.

    That female version of Leisure Suit Larry is no better.

  7. I don't understand. It's like everyone thinks because he is african american (half african american) he will be great for the country. Does he talk much about his mother (Who is white and raised him not his father)?

    If he wins I'm sure h**l just be doing whatever the Clintons want him to do.  

  8. im canadian and we all know it will be john McCain

  9. (I'm not american thou)

    they are gunna feel like, they were used like their first broken heart!

    they were walked all over,and were humiliated across the every country and continent  

  10. VOTE MCCAIN. He has experience, and Obama has very little. And I doubt Obama will prove to be anything like JFK.

  11. You actually have a point where the people that support Obama are not "supporters", but rather "followers and worshipers" because they do not act like proper political delegates, but rather like a church congregation that clings on to every word and applaud when everyone else applauds.  They do not look like the Democratic Delegation that we're used to seeing in past election years.  It's not anything that has to do with race either.....  

    Every crowd at any Obama campaign stop or at the Democratic Convention reminds me of that defunct local SF Bay Area group, the People's Temple.....

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