
Ok one more question about trinity? (Still don't get Christianity)?

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FACT: trinity was invented by a man a long time ago NOT Jesus (pbuh) and its not in the bible.

Well how can you believe in something that was invented like 300 years after Jesus (pbuh) disappeared? It was invented by a normal man! Is this acceptable to you? That just some man not even a Prophet can alter a religion by coming up with some new idea.. Does this not make you think twice about the trinity belief?

You think if Jesus (pbuh) was God he would need to explain trinity to his friends so his friends would understand who exactly he was praying to.




  1. Jesus said to "baptize in name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."  Notice he said "name."  Their name is the same.  He said "I have come in my Father's name",  "...whom the Father the will send in my name" .  Zechariah 14:9 says:  "And the LORD shall be king over all the earth:  in that day shall there be one LORD , and his name one."  Their name is the same.  Isaiah 9:6 says it all.  Acts 4:12 says "Neither is there salvation in any other:  for there is none other name under heaven given among me, whereby we must be saved."  The name is important, in fact, everything.  Why do you think the apostles and Christians in Biblical times where so badly persecuted and forbidden to teach and preach in the name of Jesus?

    As to being the 3 different manifestations of one God, that is true, but they are by no means the only manifestations of the one true God.  Here are a few of the other manifestations:

    1.  Pillar of cloud to lead the children of Israel by day

    2.  Pillar of fire to lead them by night

    3.  Fourth man in the fire when the 3 Hebrew children were cast into the fiery furnace in the book of Daniel.

    4.  When God spoke to Moses from the burning bush.

    That is but 4 more different manifestations of the same God, so that makes 7, which in my opinion nullifies the whole concept of the "trinity".  You make your own decision.

  2. God as a Trinity


    God is the only Supreme Being in all existence, places, and time.  He is Holy (Rev. 4:8), Eternal (Isaiah 57:15), Omnipotent (Jer. 32:17,27), Omnipresent (Psalm 119:7-12), Omniscient (1 John 3:20); etc.

    He is Love (1 John 4:8,16); Light (1 John 1:5); Spirit (John 4:24); Truth (Psalm 117:2); Creator (Isaiah 40:12,22,26), etc.

    He is to be worshiped (Gen. 24:26; Exodus 4:31; 2 Chron. 29:28; 1 Cor. 14:25; Rev. 7:11).

    Christianity is monotheistic - Only one God in existence, anywhere, anytime. See Isaiah Isaiah 43:10; 44:6,8; 45:5,14,18,21,22; 46:9; 47:8; John 17:3; 1 Cor. 8:5-6; Gal. 4:8-9 for verses that teach monotheism.

    One God verses

    Isaiah 43:10, "You are My witnesses, declares the Lord, And My servant whom I have chosen, in order that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me."

    Isaiah 44:6, "Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel and his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: "I am the first and I am the last, and there is no God besides Me."

    Isaiah 44:8, "Do not tremble and do not be afraid; have I not long since announced it to you and declared it? And you are My witnesses. Is there any God besides Me, or is there any other Rock? I know of none."

    Isaiah 45:5, "I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God."


    The Trinity is one God who exists simultaneously in three persons. Each is coequal, copowerful, and coeternal with the other. Each person, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is not the other. Without either there is no God; all comprise the one God.

    Analogy of the Trinity:  With time, for example, the past is distinct from the present, which is distinct from the future. Each is simultaneous. Yet, they are not three 'times,' but one. That is, they all share the same nature: time

    Trinitarian Verses

    Matt. 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,"

    1 Cor. 12:4-6, "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in all persons."

    2 Cor. 13:14, "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all."

    Objections to the Trinity answered

    The Word Trinity is not in the Bible.

    Just because the word trinity is not in the Bible doesn't mean that the concept is not taught.  The word monotheism is not in the Bible, yet the Bible teaches it (Isaiah 43:10; 44:6,8).  Therefore, your criticism is invalid.

    The Trinity is illogical

    What law of logic is it that the doctrine of the Trinity violates?  If you cannot tell me, then your statement is meaningless.  Saying it is illogical does not mean it is.

    The Trinity is pagan

    Saying it is pagan means nothing.  The question is whether or not it is biblical.  Are there verses that show that the F., S., & H.S. are each God, each indwell, each have a will, each loves, etc.?  Yes there are.

    The F., S., & H.S. are each called God (F., Phil. 1:2), (S., John 1:1,14; Col. 2:9), (H.S., Acts 5:3-4).  Each has a will (F., Luke 22:42), (S., Luke 22:42), H.S., (1 Cor. 12:11).  Each is all knowing (F., 1 John 3:20), (S., John 16:30; 21:17), (H.S., 1 Cor. 2:10-11), etc.

    Regarding the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.   Each has a will (F., Luke 22:42), (S., Luke 22:42), H.S., (1 Cor. 12:11).  Each speaks (F., Matt. 3:17), (S., Luke 5:20., (HS., Acts 8:29; 13:2).  

    The Trinity came from pagan trinities.

    There are no trinities in pagan theology.  There are triads (three gods), but no trinities (one God in three persons).  Therefore, your statement is inaccurate.

    The Bible does not say that God is three who's and one what

    That is correct.  But the Trinity is a doctrine arrived at systematically (by looking at the whole of scripture), not by looking at a single verse.  Therefore, your complaint is misdirected and shows you don't understand the Trinity.

    Show me one verse in the Bible that says that God is three persons.

    The Trinity doctrine is arrived at systematically (by looking at the whole of scripture), not by looking at a single verse.  Therefore, you won't see a single verse that says it.  Also, this demonstrates that you don't understand the Trinity, otherwise you would not have asked that question.

  3. Trinity is unity. It is revealed truth. No man could have imagined it. It is unexplainable truth.

    "faith must precede all effort to understand." Reflection upon revealed truth naturally follows the advent of faith, but faith comes first to the hearing ear, not to the cogitating mind. The believing man does not ponder the Word and arrive at faith by a process of reasoning, nor does he seek confirmation of faith from philosophy or science." A. W. Tozer

    Christ spoke in the plural form:

    "we will come to him and make our abode with him"

    "I and my Father are one."

    His friends did only began to understand after the resurrection. When Thomas said:

    "Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."John 20:28-29

    Believing what we cannot see with our physical eyes is faith. We all live by faith. The natural man or non-believer lives by faith in natural laws. The spiritual man or believer lives by faith in God.  We all accept things that we cannot understand.  Many here accept evolution, but have no proof or understanding of how it supposedly  works. That's faith.

    I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me, It is His faith, given to me. He saved me and He keeps me.

    "I believe that Christ died for me because it is incredible; I believe that He rose from the dead because it is impossible" a quote from one of the early church fathers.

    I too believe, because God is God. He is above anything that I can imagine. He is greater than my greatest idea of Him.  

  4. "It is not meet for a man that Allah should give him the Book and the Judgment and Prophethood, then he should say to men: "Be my servants rather than Allah's;" but rather (he would say): "Be worshippers of the Lord because of your teaching the Book and your reading (it yourselves)". Or that he should enjoin you that you should take the angels and the prophets for lords; what! would he enjoin you with unbelief after you are Muslims (Submitting Ones)?" (3:79-80)

    Coming to the belief of trinity, the Qur'an refutes it in two ways:

    First: The general method, i.e. showing that it is impossible for Allah to take a son for Himself, no matter whether the presumed son be Jesus or someone else.

    Second: The particular method, i.e. describing that Jesus  son of Mary was neither a son of God nor God; that he was but a servant created by Allah.

    First Method: What is the quiddity of sonship and birth? What do these words really mean? A living material thing (like man, animal or vegetable) separates from itself a portion of its own matter, then gradually develops it until it becomes another individual of the same species similar to its parent; the offspring has the same characteristics and traits as the parent body had. An animal separates s***n from its body, or a plant removes a seed from from itself, then it preserves and grows the s***n or seed gradually until it becomes another animal or plant similar to its parent. This is what sonship and birth mean. It is no secret that such a thing is impossible for Allah:

    First: Because it needs a physical material body; and Allah is far above matter and its concomitants without which matter cannot exist like motion, time, space and other such things.

    Second: To Allah belongs absolute Divinity and Lordship; consequently, He has absolute authority over, and total management of, all things in His hand. Every thing is in need of Him to bring it into existence, and depends on Him for its continuity. It is just impossible to imagine a thing similar to Allah in "species" - a thing having the identity, attributes and characteristics similar to those of Allah and independent of Him.

    Third: If Allah could beget or give birth to a son, it would entail graduality of action for Allah. In other words, He would be governed by the laws of matter and movement; and it is contradiction in term, because whatever takes place by His Will comes into being at once without delay, without graduality

    The above explanations are inferred from the words of Allah:

    "And they say: ''Allah has taken to Himself a son." Glory be to Him; rather, whatever is in the heavens and the earth is His; all are obedient to Him. The Originator of the heavens and the earth; and when He decrees an affair, He only says to it, "Be", and it is." (2:116-117)

  5. Jesus  did mention it  but not by that name  he said to baptise in the name  of the father. son and holy ghost.  all are one

    he Great Commission

    16Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

  6. The Trinity was invented as a marketing ploy - 3 gods for the price of one. You get to be 3 times as deluded and doesn't cost a penny more.

  7. The Doctrine of the Trinity was adopted because it is implicit in the New Testament. It didn't just materialise out of thin air, or because somebody had nothing better to do one Saturday afternoon, so they sat down and dreamt up some esoteric doctrine.

  8. Here is some biblical reference for you.

    I. Old and New Testament Parallels of God the Father and God the Son

    Exodus 3:14 - God says "I AM who I AM" - John 8:58 - Jesus says "Before Abraham was, I AM" in reference to Himself.

    Deut. 4:2; 12:32 - the Lord God commands that we not add or take away from His word - Rev. 22:18-19 - Jesus so commands us not to add or take away from His word.

    Deut. 32:39; 1 Sam. 2:6 - the Lord kills and makes alive again and raises up - John 5:21 - the Son raises and gives life.

    Deut. 32:39 - neither is there any that can deliver out of God's hand - John 10:28 - nor shall any pluck out of Jesus' hand.

    Deut. 32:43 - rejoice, ye heavens, with Him, and let all the angels of God worship Him - Heb. 1:6 - the "Him" is Jesus the Son.

    2 Sam. 22:3 - God is the horn of salvation - Luke 1:68-69 - Jesus is the horn of salvation.

    Psalm 19:7 - the law of the Lord is perfect - Gal. 6:2 - fulfill the law of Christ.

    Psalm 24:10 - the Lord is the King of glory - 1 Cor. 2:8 - Jesus is the Lord of glory.

    Psalm 45:7 - Therefore God, your God, has anointed you. God calls someone else God. This someone else is His eternally begotten Son - Heb. 1:9 - Therefore God, your God, has anointed you. cf. Heb. 1:8, 10.

    Psalm 62:12 - the Lord God renders to each according to his work - Matt. 16:27; Rev. 22:12 - Jesus so renders to each according to his work.

    Psalm 71:5 - the Lord God is our hope - 1 Tim. 1:1 - the Lord Jesus Christ who is our hope.

    Psalm 89:27 – I will make him the first-born, the highest (“elyon” which refers to God) of the kings of the earth - John 18:36-27 – Jesus is this first-born king.

    Psalm 97:9 - the Lord God is above all - John 3:31 - Jesus is above all.

    Psalms 110:1 - the Lord (Yahweh) said to my Lord - Jesus = Yhwh - Acts 2:34-36 - God has made Jesus both Lord and Christ.

    Psalm 148:1-2 - the angels worship the Lord God - Heb. 1:6 - the angels worship Jesus. Only God is worshiped.

    Prov. 3:12 - who the Lord loves He corrects - Rev. 3:19 - who Jesus loves He corrects.

    Isaiah 7:14 - a virgin will bear a Son named Emmanuel which means "God is with us" - Matt. 1:23 - this Son is Jesus Christ, God in the flesh.

    Isaiah 9:6 - the child to be born shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

    Isaiah 25:8 - God swallows up death in victory - 2 Tim. 1:10 - Jesus abolishes death and brings life and immortality.

    Isaiah 40:8 - the Word of God shall stand forever - Matt. 24:35 - the Words of Jesus shall not pass away.

    Isaiah 42:8 - God gives His glory to no other - John 17:5; Heb. 1:3 - yet Jesus has the same glory as the Father.

    Isaiah 43:14 - the Lord God is redeemer - Titus 2:14 - Jesus is the redeemer.

    Isaiah 44:6 - the Lord God is the first and the last - Rev. 1:17; 2:8; 22:13 - Jesus is the first and the last.

    Isaiah 45:19 - I, the Lord God, did not speak in secret - John 18:20 - Jesus said "I have said nothing secretly."

    Isaiah 45:23 - to God, every knee shall bow and every tongue swear. Phil. 2:10-11 - at Jesus' name every knee should bow and tongue confess.

    Isaiah 48:17 - God is the Holy One - Acts 3:14 - Jesus is the Holy One.

    Isaiah 60:19 - God is everlasting light - Revelation 21:23 - Jesus the Lamb is eternal light.

    Jer. 17:10 - the Lord searches the hearts and repays us according to our deeds - Rev. 2:23 - Jesus searches the hearts and repays us according to our deeds.

    Ezek. 1:26-28; Daniel 7:9 - God's glorious appearance - Rev. 1:13-16 - Jesus' glorious appearance.

    Ezek. 34:11-31 - God the Father is the shepherd of the flock - John 10:7-29 - Jesus is the shepherd of the flock.

    Ezek. 34:16 - God seeks to save that which was lost - Luke 19:10 - Jesus seeks to save that which was lost.

    Ezek. 34:17 - God judges between cattle, rams and goats - Matt. 25:32 - Jesus judges and separates the goats from the sheep.

    Ezek. 43:2 - God's voice was like a noise of many waters - Rev. 1:15 - Jesus' voice was like the sound of many waters.

    Dan. 2:47 - the Lord is the God of gods and the Lord of Lords - Rev. 17:14 - Jesus the Lamb is the Lord of Lords.

    The Lord our God is ONE Lord (Deut 6:4; 4:35,39; 32:39; Mk 12:29)

    I am the Lord and there is no other (Isa 45:5; 43:10; 44:6,8; etc)

    There is no God besides Me (2 Sam 7:22; 22:32; Neh 9:6; Jer 10:10-11)

    There is ONE God (Rom 3:30; 1 Cor 8:6; 1 Tim 2:5; James 2:19)

    There is no other God but ONE (1 Cor 8:4; Gal 3:20; Eph 4:6)

    The ONLY true [wise] God (John 17:3; Rom 16:27; 1 Tim 1:17; Jude 25)

    Therefore, the ONE GOD is The Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit according to the Bible.

  9. It is the false prophet teaching who hide his religion in the pretext of Jesus Gospel. Jesus was tormented he he was called son of God. He called the world is mad.

  10. Actually you can find the manifestation of the Trinity in Matthew 3:16-17.

    The trinity is three beings one God.  Take a look at a shamrock, you have the three leaves on one stem, it is three parts yet one plant.  That is the principle behind the Trinity.  The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, three beings, yet one God.  Two other instances of the manifestation of the trinity is also in Genesis 1:26 and 18:1-10.

  11. He did the bible did God did.You must read.God the Father,God the Son,God the Holy Spirit.

  12. The doctrine of the Trinity was imposed on Christianity by the official Church and the Roman Empire. It makes about as much sense as anything else put together by committee - i.e., not much. And you're right, you have to search really hard to find any trace of it in the Bible. (Just look at the previous answers - how anyone can read a sweeping metaphysical doctrine like the Trinity into a few isolated quotes from the Gospels is beyond me.)

    So how has it lasted all this time? Because most churches want to make sure everyone sticks to the same formula - they certainly don't want people thinking for themselves about the meaning and nature of God.

  13. Actually, the belief was from the Egyptians and Babylonians   Nimrod of Babylon boosted himself to a deity with 3 faces.

    It is just that the Bible holds no such belief.

    Grannie Annie correctly quotes John 10:30; 14:20 but fails to read on to 14:28.  Jesus says, "My Father is greater than I am."  How is that for simple statements?

    That Philippians 2:6-10 shows he did not want to be equal to God, but humbled himself into a slave's form, a human.  The purpose was to glorify his Father's name.

    And of course Colossians 1:15-18 which speaks of Jesus being the "firstborn of all creation".

    For trinity to be true, Jesus must be equal to God and be the same age.  Neither of these things are true.  So the trinity is just another of the pagan doctrines Christendom has mixed in to make it false religion.  

  14. --True Christianity, does not command beliefs  that are confusing such as stated here  about the Bibles "faith" passed on by the list with a short synopsis of many  in the whole chapt of Heb. 11

    (Hebrews 11:1-2) “11 Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demonstration of realities though not beheld. 2 For by means of this the men of old times had witness borne to them.”

    SO THEN, the expressions above, footnoted give "faith" as truth not credulity of "blind faith"--based on blind doctrines :

    --“Assured expectation.” Lit., “a sub-standing.” Gr., hy·po′sta·sis; Lat., sub·stan′ti·a.

    --Evident demonstration.” Or, “convincing evidence.” Gr., e′leg·khos; Lat., ar·gu·men′tum. Compare Joh 16:8 ftn

    --The fact that people being able to improve in  their following Christ's footsteps in all sincerity, is a must in true christianity!

    (John 4:23-25) “. . .. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth.” 25. . .”

    --JESUS gave mankind the truth about his father , with no confusion as to he worshipped:

    (John 20:17-18) “. . .Jesus said to her: “Stop clinging to me. For I have not yet ascended to the Father. But be on your way to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and YOUR Father and to my God and YOUR God.’” 18 Mary Mag′da·lene came and brought the news . . .”

    --Presenting Christ in a confusing doctrine(trinity) would make it impossible for true worshippers to have a relationship with God & his Son , Christ

    (1 Peter 2:21) “. . .In fact, to this [course] YOU were called, because even Christ suffered for YOU, leaving YOU a model for YOU to follow his steps closely.”

  15. Christianity: Having a personal relationship with Jesus.

    It is faith based, not religion. Also, Christianity does not force you into anything. You have the right to choose. Just know that it is important to go to church every once and a while.

  16. Trinity is simply put a descriptive word used to understand the 3 known ways God manifests Himself.

    1. As the Father in Heaven.

    2. As the Son in Flesh

    3. As the Holy Spirit.

    He is always ONE God, He presents Himself in 3 different ways so man has better understanding.

  17. Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace are all terms that were prophesied by Isaiah and attributed to the coming birth of a child. See Isaiah 9:6

      Years later Jesus was born as Isaiah had predicted and despite the how different it seems to you or unbelievable there he was...He has the fullness of Deity in bodily form. It takes some study to understand all of this. Of course, it isn't hard to understand that He had a spirit as well as a body. I think most people question the Father God part, but the Bible is clear and it was predicted hundreds of years prior to his birth. Here's a Bible study on the web you could check out if you seriously want to know the truth.

  18. u r correct

  19. The word "trinity" is not mentioned in the bible; however, the three ways God appears to us is = Father, Spirit, Son is mentioned throughout the new testament.  

  20. A) You really NEED to read Jesus' words on this subject.

    B) He said, "I and the Father are one". And, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father." Those are flat-footed declarative statements. They are NOT parables. They are NOT aphorisms. They are NOT metaphors. They belong in the same literary category as: Please pass the salt. Or" I am a female (I am)". That means quite simply that Almighty God is at least TWO Persons sharing the same divine Godhood.

    C) He promised to send His Spirit to His followers so that they might not go in the way of error. He equates this Spirit with Himself. And since we just established that He and the Father are the same God, that rather makes the Spirit ALSO God.

    D) Now let's count 'em.

    God the Father. That's 1

    God the Son. That's 2

    God the Spirit. That's 3.

    Three = Triune = Trinity = The Blessed Trinity = GOD.

    Hope this helped.

  21. Are you seriously expecting a religion to make sense?

  22. You're right, the idea of the Trinity came about 300 years after Jesus, and is in fact one of the sticky points of a Jewish person accepting Jesus as equal to and in fact God. The Jews believe in one God - strict monotheism.

    However, we see God refer to Himself using terms as a "plural being" - a "plural unity" most of the time in the Old Testament - the Hebrew Scripture. If we could consider something as a "creed" in Judaism, it would be "The Sh'ema". Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elohay-nu, Adonai echad

    The last word in the Sh'ma is a word meaning "one", but it's meaning is "a composite unity", one as a "single unity" is yahid.

    [a cluster of grapes is an echad of grapes - (not to mean any reference to God in this sentence as anything to do with grapes, but to show the concept of the meaning of echad)]

    The word Elohim is a plural masculine form for the word God. The word Elohim is translated as "God" to indicate the oneness of God, except where it refers to pagan gods, then plural.

    A precept of Biblical interpretation is to take the literal sense of the word(s) unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. In this case, the Jewish and Christian scholars look on God's reference to Himself using plural terms like a king or queen might refer to themselves as "we". "We decided" when the mean "I decided".

    The precept to use the literal sense is not used, even though God Himself used plural terms to refer to Himself. Second, we see Him refer to Himself in multiple "forms". Even in teh first verse of Scripture, He refers to Himself as God (Elohim) and as "The Spirit of God", Ruach Elohim. We also have the Messianic prophecies, some of which indicate diety.

    Jesus uses this argument with the Pharisees:Matt 22:41-45

    41 Now while the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them a question,42 saying, "What do you think about the Christ, whose son is He?" They said to Him, "The son of David." 43 He said to them, "Then how does David in the Spirit call Him 'Lord,' saying,

    44 'The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, Until I put Thine enemies beneath Thy feet"'? 45 "If David then calls Him 'Lord,' how is He his son?" [NASB]

    When Jesus was baptized, we see 3 forms of one God at the same time: Matt 3:16-17

    16 And after being baptized, Jesus went up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him, 17 and behold, a voice out of the heavens, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased." [NASB]

    So the "trinity" was "invented" about 300 years after Jesus, but there is plenty of support in the Hebrew Scripture for One God, a "plural unity".

  23. If you think the Trinity was invented 300 years after Jesus, then clearly you either have never read the New Testament, or you accept without question the way your leaders rubbish it by saying it's full of errors, lies and a false gospel. The contempt Islamic leaders have for the New Testament is appalling. Well, let them look again at the Old Testament, for which they do have a bit of respect. The Messiah's deity is predicted there.

    Try the prophet Isaiah's words about the One who would be born in the future. He is given the titles of Wonderful, Counsellor, Everlasting Father, Mighty God, Prince of Peace and His kingdom will be everlasting. That is in chapter 9 verses 6-7. In chapter 10 verse 21, the title Mighty God is also ascribed to the Creator. If you could stop listening to the prejudices of your religious leaders long enough to read the Bible for yourself, you might learn something significant about the deity of the Messiah, and that He's never depicted as another God, a separate God to the Creator, but that He also is the Creator. In other words, the One and only Creator God. "Let US make man in our image..." remember?

  24. thats not correct....its obvious you arent asking to really know....Matt 28:19 speaks of three in one....and Gen says Let Us make man In Our image!!

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