
Ok people, I am getting no answers, and I really need an interpretation ?

by  |  earlier

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We then run into (this scared me half to death) a giant bear that roars at us. We are scared stiff and don’t move. When two other, MUCH larger bears approach it, the one that is slightly larger than it, swallows it whole, then the other bear (the biggest) swallows it. The bear then looks at us and roars. A band of other bears, its size, appear and charge us. We both turn and run for our lives.

The dream kind of shifts, I’m still running, but I’m seeing into the head murderers mind, he is Satan and he tells me that he is the one who has sent the bears after me and he is going to send all the park’s vehicles after me too (I get a vision of them all starting up), he also tells me that he WILL kill me.

Suddenly I am alone and in a wooded swamp area that is supported by bridges. There is an earthquake and all the bridges crumple. I then feel strangely empowered, and rise up in the air (I get another vision and see everyone I am wanting to be safe rise up also) and begin to fly over the ruined bridges and through the woods. I get scared and falter a little, but something gives me back my courage.

I hear a loud voice, God’s, which says (I can’t remember the exact words, it’s some sort of Bible verse I think) and I so love you that (I can’t remember the rest, but it’s all about Him loving me and giving me the strength I need to fight and win).

I then get this horrific image of a human without skin, that every time he speaks, the muscle rises up and the lips pucker together like a kiss. It says that the murderer (Satan) will get what he deserves.

I then have the vision of the murderer’s body suddenly convulsing and twisting into this awful position, his spine snaps, lighting flashes, and he changes into a skeleton.




  1. I wrote to you and asked for the beginning of this dream and you sent it to me. Thank you.  I did not ask about your life or personal beliefs so I will do the best I can with what I see in your dream.

    A hotel can mean a public place for rest or business: church ( which is a place for rest in Christ ), a public gathering, travel or business travel.

    Here's where it gets interpreted by you. Your father in a dream can be your physical father, or it can mean someone in authority, also someone who is like a father to you or a spiritual like a pastor or leader.

    Your mother can be your real mom of course, or can represent the church, a spiritual mom, love, kindness, or someone who is like a mom to you.

    Adultery can be just what it looks like, or it can be idolatry, or pornography. I am feeling this father in the dream is into something that is a work of darkness. In the Bible it is called adultery when the Israelites turned to worship other religions or when their hearts were worshiping, or idolizing the something other than God, or loving something more than God. If they were working darkness instead of light they had strayed. And God would have to confront them. The name Selina means "moon" in the Greek language. The moon can mean the church, true or false, it also means the works of darkness, the occult, and false worship. I feel someone you know is definately on the wrong course.  Someone has strayed from the truth somewhere.  Whoever this is, it hurts you greatly.

    You feel betrayed and let down.

    You and your "mom" are next driving down the highway, which means simply way, or it can be the Christian faith, or truth, or just way of life.

    The kind of rain you are experiencing I believe is you are going through a tough time emotionally, like a trial of faith, it could even be depression or just disappointment. You turn off the highway into a park surrounded by woods. I believe you are going into that park for refuge, for peace and rest and it can also represent God's provision. Can you think of something in your life that is like that to you? Then you notice it has stopped raining, I would say you are getting or have received a season of happiness. But you notice cloud coverage. Cloud coverage can represent change. And you see all those who are around you from your tennis team and your coach. Once again this can be symbolic or the real people they appear to be. If one goes to church for instance it can be your youth group, for instance. Now we'll jump to the two guys from your team. Notice they are not with the team but they are separated over the drop off. The number two is interesting. It means divide: judge, discern, separate. And here they are. But maybe you are supposed to discern, or judge between the two. But it could aslo mean that these two are going to just be separated from the team some way or somehow for some reason. One looks normal, and the other is dressed like a rapper. You readily admit that one is a player. Steer away from this guy. The other one has better character. Reign in your desire, he will break your heart.

    After this you go to the bathroom, this can represent being cleansed from something. Maybe your attraction to the player. I think your eyes will be opened and you will ultimately make the right decision.

    You'll notice these are all trials of sorts. And you were warned that you will go through some. Keep in mind not to let go of God. He wants to lead you through these.

    A bear can represent the destroyer, or a curse, either inherited, or personal sin.  It can also represent economic hardship, or loss, as in a bear's market, danger, opposition, or Russia. I don't believe Russia fits the bill here because there are multiple bears and it doesn't fit the context of this dream unless you are joining the military. Because of the rest of your dream I lean toward these angry bears being opposition and that it will grow and multiply. Automobiles in this case I believe represents multiple people.

    But notice God himself is giving you a special promise. I wish I recognised the verse. I pray God will remind you of it somehow. You can pray for that too. But meanwhile, be comforted and strengthened. Yes these trials are from h**l, but satan is going to be defeated. Somehow God will divinely intervene and help you and strengthen you. He is your provider. And He does love you very much. Do not give up on whatever this is going to be about.  Even though this showed your tennis team, this could be about a whole other kind of team. The swamp scene is of you and your team walking through adverse circumstances. Bridge is support or way: faith; trial of faith; or support. I feel this is a trial of your faith. And you can see that you and this team will be lifted above these circumstances eventually. Isn't God good? And though the trial may seem impossible God is bigger than the impossible.

    That cleaning lady was not a woman of light. But I believe God is on your side. When this over, you will ne

  2. OK you've demanded an answer and here I come. I read your dream and yes it does point to something important, but the question is: Are you willing to step up and be the person you want to be and not the person that is being influenced by peers and by environment.

    This whole dream warns YOU of one thing------- and that is what people call---- FRIENDS or associates. You're  not on the right track in your life... I don't care how old you are at this point but this dream shows what could happen if you don't change your attitude and the way you are going about your life.

    The bears represent people around that you really don't know all of them but you kind of know them. You met them somewhere and that is how you consider them friends. But these people as the ....BEARS signify.... do talk behind your back following your personal life as if they are spying on you. It is not that they intend to spy on your personal life but that is the kind of people they are. The devil on the other hand represents an evil guy who would use temptation to get you to do what he wants and sometimes may use force whether it is mental or physical to control you.

    The dream happens in fast paced manner I assume because that means you are overstepping the advices and the warning people give you in real life, like your parents and others. That is why things occurring in the dream come one after another very quickly. However; the FLYING.... and the GOD image in the dream show that ultimately, when you go through this, you will get out of it safe. But I suggest that you do your best to avoid friends and people that lead you to drinking bars, partying places, and taking part of unhealthy gatherings. That is where real girls in the United States go missing everyday. Yes you can have friends but you have to ask yourself a question: Why am I a friend with this person? Because every friend we have serves some sort of advantage that we need but that advantage has to be clear to you and to your future.

  3. Bears symbolize anxiety over some life transition you are contemplating, or about to make, or else, something you are fleeing from, in life-- the bridges symbolize the transition itself (either towards something, or away from something). You are perhaps frightened about the new responsibilities (symbolized by the park vehicles) that this new transition will entail.

    Bear that 'scares you stiff'-- is paralyzing fear over decision you must make-- he is swallowed up by much larger bears, symbolizing greater fear of not achieving your goal/escaping from anxiety provoking situation-- causing you to move towards the goal/bridges...

    You feel lost/swamped (swamp/dark, wooded area) and then suddenly you gain courage, & the bridges crumble, symbolizing you, overcoming the challenges ahead/ no longer running from responsibility/life goals, and 'rising above' the problem-- gaining the strength you need to overcome obstacles in your way.... God/your higher self, gives you the courage you need, from deep within, to succeed...

    human without skin symbolizes your vulnerability-- you feel exposed/ sensitive, thinking about the difficult road ahead, and walking comes hard-- but skinless human forms a kiss, indicating that you must engage with, & overcome these feelings of vulnerability, to move forward in life...

    the murderer's body = conflict/anxiety you feel-- when you overcome your feelings of inadequacy, he disappears, with a final convulsion, and in a flash, he becomes a mere skeleton-- a harmless fragment, rather than the hulking, flesh-and-blood creature you once percieved your anxieties as, and you become strong/are freed up, to pursue your goals & dreams.... good luck! hope this helps, & sweet dreams!

  4. You will not like my answer my dear ;; Its quite a dream who is telling you important things for the future ; first you will be confronted to a situation ; who  you  never expect ; and it will be a tough time in your life and yes there's pain in this ordeal for awhile ; but you are very lucky ; because God will intervene and the ordeal would be over . God is watching over you so you are very  well  protect  

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