
Ok people,what are the plans for grand final day?

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what are you going to do,e.g head to pub,have a bbq,etc




  1. Getting super pi##ed

  2. Well my friend just suprised me with two tickets to the grand final ! and there good seats so i guess ill be at the game :)

    GO CATS !

  3. Hopefully just sit at home ALONE and focus on the game !   It might sound a bit odd, but its a legacy of having coached in 200 something games,  and from the concentration required, "to get thing's right",   while working over several years at 4 AFL clubs .

    People dont really understand but when you have had to have answers for blokes like "Jacko" at Geelong, with questions  like where was a fullback standing  a full forward before the first bounce, and every minute of the game thereafter, you tend like a well trained dog , not like to miss a trick, so to speak !

  4. I'll be putting needles in anything that is coloured black, white, and teal.

    Ohhh Yeah!... I will also be having afew beers and murdering a few snags!!

    Go hard puddy cats!

  5. Hi Forky? Interesting name!

    Well  I'd be watching the Box  but  I'll have to listen to the ABC radio cast instead.

    You see every time I ignore them - Port POWER win!

    So you'll find me with a  'Portagaf'  (Coopers Stout & lemonade) glued to the radio.

    Dyed in the Wool Fan - C'arn the POWER!


    Port POWER Colours too!

  6. sit in front of the TV and watch the excitement from my couch. the way i like it as well!

  7. Will be watching thanking the footy gods that i happened to look at dish network preview channels and discovered satanta.....and what a find its been...Its even been better than when fox had it....satanta showed it at least 4 nights a week, replays and live when games were on.....And I would think more than 1 % has sat dishes a native texan, who grew up in the heart of the nfl country..dallas cowboys...etc...give me footy anytime....

    The only neg about satanta is the excess rugby I have to

    go an old school VFL sort

  8. Forky - you know part of my answer anyway .. but .. wake up at my brother's in Bacchus Marsh.  Have breakfast (if I can eat).  Face paint the kids.  Teach my girlfriend the Geelong song one more time.  Gear them all up in their scarves (making sure I remove the price tags :-)).  Grab the tickets, camera, glasses, binoculars, radio with the earplug, 4 changes of clothes for each season, the ponchos and... Catch the train into Spencer St, the Met to Flinders and  walk across the park to the ground.  Sit briefly in my seat U2, stand again, shake and shudder for an hour while we watch all the c**p, and then yell my head off for two and a half hours.  Sing the song with my girlfriend, sing it again with whoever else is partying, sing it again ... wander out and over to Fed Square and see what's happening.  Eventually stumble back towards the train station ...  

    Anything I'm missing???!

  9. My liver is already quaking in its boots, knowing the punishment it shall recieve on Saturday arvo.

    BBQ or local pub, havent yet decided. Going to miss our old local pub in Perth, that was always an awesome GF day. Recently moved up north, so not as many drinking buddies up here. My workmate is a vic & mad hawks fan, so I`ll be watching it with him and a couple of others. My mum & brother both go for the Cats, so i`ll be on the phone to them, too.

  10. well with port playing and the way they play footy i will probably fall asleep on the couch

  11. My brother and sister in laws have an Annual Grand Final BBQ every year and they go all out.

    We have a ball!!!!

    Can't wait.

    Go Geelong!!!!

  12. Pamper the winning PUSSYS CARN THE CATS

  13. Here is my GF day in Salina, Kansas USA.

    1. Go to work at the insurance office during the day on Friday.

    2. Go to work at the local newspaper in the evening. I am a page designer in the sports department. It is the fifth week of high school gridiron football in Kansas. I have to submit my gridiron picks for the weekend, published in the paper just like footy picks in the Herald Sun and the Age.

    3. At or about 11 p.m. USA Central time, turn the AFL website on to get the live score board fired up, the game starts at 11:30 p.m. USA Central time on Friday night.

    4. Can't listen to the game at work, so when off work at 12:30 a.m., hurry home to fire up the computer and listen to Rex on 3AW, hopefully home and join the radio call at halftime.

    5. Probably get to bed at 4 a.m. or so.

    6. Hope to get the DVD by mid-October so I can watch the game.

    7. d**n you Andrew Demetriou, please put the footy on a channel that America can see!!!! Setanta only available on satellite, less than 1% of America will be able to see the game!!! Do some market research before you sign your life away. USA dollars are waiting to line the AFL pockets, if you let it happen!!!

  14. BBQ with some friends, watch the game, cheer on the big V

  15. Nothing!

    Maybe praying that the cats kill the power!!

  16. I am going watch the game on our t.v with the family. We are going have our special grand final lunch and barrack for the cats. (only because they are an Victorian team.)

  17. Here is probably the most random answer you'll get...  on grand final day I'll be in hospital getting a knee reconstruction (from playing footy). I'll have to tape the grand final as when it's on I probably wont be quite 'all there'   =[

  18. kick back and watch the game. Go cats (just because they are a victorian team)

    They eliminated Collingwood :(

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