
Ok "I have 4 felony i wanted to know what they r going to do to me when i go to court? (shoplifting)?

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Ok "I have 4 felony i wanted to know what they r going to do to me when i go to court? (shoplifting)?




  1. You're going to jail.

  2. You should be taken out of free society forever. Either by hanging or firing squad.

  3. 3 strikes and your out?

    what were you thinking?

    you sound like a habitual offender to me.

    buh bye

  4. well if its your first time  hopefuly just slap on the wrist  if not  your doing time and probation    you shouldnt be  stealing in the first place dude all pray fr ya

  5. If you got them all at the same time you're looking at 6 months to 5 years in prison, maybe with a suspended sentence  with no jail time if you have a good lawyer, (maybe)

    If you have four felony's that are spread over a period of several years, depending on what state, you could be looking at life. If you were caught stealing food it will be lighter on you. but if it was something like CDs etc.


    The courts are probably tired of looking at you.

    Life is seven years, if your a good student in prison college. It could be life without parole if it was a crime with violence or involving a weapon.

    It's time to straighten up, don't you think?

    Good luck, and I hope in the future you do something good with your life,

    Write a book on how crime ruined your life to teach other people.

    Personally I've never had any problem with the law, but if I were facing life in prison I would be looking to change my identity, providing I wasn't on some kind of bail where they would take my families home if I disappeared. .

  6. The chamber

  7. Depending on your prior record, you will more than likely do 30 days.  If you have a prior record, you'll probably get a year.

  8. 4 felonies for shoplifting? Ok if they are all for shoplifting you will definitely be serving time (sorry) but if they are all for different reasons then you have a possibly in getting some longgggggggggggg probation! Should keep your hands clean !!!!! Did you not learn from the first time?

  9. Legally you can only be tried for the offense showing on the docket, but the judge will have your past recorded offenses in front of him/her and no doubt will be influenced when it comes to sentence if it gets that far.  If brought up before the jury, judge will have to instruct them to ignore that as irrelevant to the trial at hand, but how many jurors will ignore?  Repeaters don't often get breaks.

  10. probably probation. nothing to severe. probation for about 90days+

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