
Ok: really out of curiosity?

by Guest59216  |  earlier

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Was J.R.R. Tolkien a Muslim?

I can't help noticing things in his books (plus the movies made) that it's somehow related to Islam. And if you have ever read the Silmarillion, the curiousity somehow hightened. He used "Arda" for earth, which is similar to "Al-Ardh" which means earth in Arabic. He used Nahar as a horse that shined like the day at night. And "Nahar" in the Arabic term is day.

Did he really study Islam so deep, or the Arabic language, or was this all just a coincidence?

I asked earlier about one of this weird connections:;_ylt=Aq_KhrGszSpNk1SwsTlLUvjsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080804112614AAgsZ0e

I know I can be wrong, it's just that I'm really curious. Salam.




  1. he probably just using elvish

  2. Many "Elvish" words turn appear to have been picked from a wide variety of sources: Pé "mouth" is Hebrew, lá "no, not" is Arabic, nér "man" from the reconstructed Indo-European language, ken- "see" is similar to Chinese kan, and roch "horse" is reminiscent of the Hebrew verb râkháv "ride".

    Old Norse and modern Scandinavian languages also seem to be represented:

    Certainly one of the prime influences on Tolkien's languages was Finnish.

    Tolkien willingly admitted that he did not try do avoid the influence of real-world languages.

    We also see hints of Gaelic.

  3. maybe he read "1001 nights" or "Kalila and Dimna" those are very known Persian/Arabic fantasy books.

  4. lol thats interesting. i doubt he was, but then u never know, lol. ive only read the LOTR series tho. probably just that he was linguistic like Aurelius said.

  5. lol maybe, Allahu-Alim, that'd be soooo cool if he was :P inshAllah he is. :)

  6. Sorry about this long statement which I took from a website:

    "The Tolkiens had four children: John Francis Reuel (17 November 1917 – 22 January 2003), Michael Hilary Reuel (22 October 1920 – 27 February 1984), Christopher John Reuel (born 21 November 1924) and Priscilla Mary Anne Reuel (born 18 June 1929). Tolkien was very devoted to his children and sent them illustrated letters from Father Christmas when they were young. There were more characters added each year, such as the Polar Bear, Father Christmas' helper, the Snow Man, the gardener, Ilbereth the elf, his secretary, and various other minor characters. The major characters would relate tales of Father Christmas' battles against goblins who rode on bats and the various pranks committed by the Polar Bear."

    It mentions Christmas, so I would say no he was probably not a Muslim.

    Hope this helps.

  7. He was a Roman Catholic Christian.

  8. Salam for you .No I think he is not a muslim .The almost similar  several words with arabic language just only a coincidence Maybe he read or hear several words in arabic .

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