
Ok silly question about stickers.?

by  |  earlier

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Ok my fiance was playing with our daughter and they were putting stickers on their legs well you know men have hairy legs and he tried to pull off the stickers feom his legs and they really stuck I was wondering if anyone knows how we could get them off without pretty much waxing his legs. He already tried hot water and a shower put that doesnt work.




  1. i guess just keep soaking it in water...

  2. try some oil. or continue to soke them in water they will come off eventually

  3. ivory soft soap Lather the stickers with the soap individally let stand for 10 to 15 minutes then take a shower or bath, and the stickers will unattach themselves from the hair,w/o anymore pain.

  4. The Peanut Butter Method: Rub a glob of peanut butter into the hair around the sticky part. Keep massaging it between your fingers. The oil in the peanut butter will help loosen the sticky stuff so you can pick it free.

    The Ice Cube Trick: Rub an ice cube against the sticky part so that it gets hard and losses its tackiness. Again, you should be able to pick the hair free once the sticky stuff is hard.

    The Citrus Remover: The oils in citrus fruits are a natural solvent. Use orange peels or lemon peels. Rub them against the sticky stuff to get it loosened up so you can pick it out of the hair.

    Picking it off: Don’t try to pull the sticker out of the hair – pull the hair out of the sticker. You’ll find that if you work on a few strands at a time, it will hurt a lot less than if you try to yank the sticker out of the hair.

    Good luck!!

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