
Ok..since no one can help me on here...does anyone know a free chat site to asks experts questions?

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need to ask someone how to reformat a cpu that has a worm or a virus on it..cant even start windows..and when i try to use windows xp cd to reformat...i keep getting same error...error code 7 or something




  1. not sure about a chat, but allows 10 questions to be posted a day to each expert... sure you could google and find something... and i have a virus in mine, it's in boot section (so re-installing windows xp only fixed some of the problems it gave) and the tech that worked on it, thought he had fixed it but it reapeared before i ever connected to internet.... sometimes it's cheaper to wipe memory and replace hard drive instead of taking to a repair man

  2. use a boot disk. like a linux disk or something. also use google.

  3. no, i'm sorry

    most people don't get the responses they are looking for.


  5. if u have back up discs i think u can delee everything on ure hardrive and dl ure disc

  6. lol sorry but i'm not a computer wiz (i let mi brother do all that stuff lol) however i did find a website that may or may not help you :D

    i really hope it does help

  7. It may not be of much help, but try the geek squad. ( They have a live chat option, and you can ask a tech questions about virtually anything computer - tech related.

  8. People who have reached an expert level in something don't work for free, honey. Your best bet is probably YA.

  9. Hmm google, wikianswers, Idk I could ask my boyfriend but he's sleeping right now. What is the exact type of disk you're using? Is it an upgrade disk or the actual thing? Are you sure the disk isn't scratched or anything? Or you can call this number 334-844-4244 Students at Auburn University in Alabama, armed with the Internet and, as a last resort, reference books, will answer any question you can conceive of, 24 hours a day, Monday to Thursday (during the school year). The hot line started in the 1950s as a resource for students at Auburn who were trying to locate campus services and find information about grades or course schedules. Over the years, it has evolved into a no-holds-barred information database. It is one of the nation’s longest-running services of its kind.

  10. sorry, but i have no idea!!

  11. Try one of these:

  12. Even if you go to other chat site I think you'll still get the same answer.  It could be a hardware issue, you can be experiencing problems with your memory, motherboard or your hard drive itself, if that's the case then nobody here can help you but you yourself to bring that to a technician who has spare parts to test all your hardware for problems.

  13. Google it for information, or use or,   Use messengers especially Yahoo messenger because it has many Computer chat rooms,  But your Number 1 best  Bet is to Google,  the Words "How to format a Corrupt CPU",   I Hope my information helps you dude,  all the best.

  14. One minute on Google comes up with this answer in the link below. Why did all the other people answer if they don't have a clue? It is a problem with APCI.

    Also you can't reformat a CPU, you can reformat a hard disk.

  15. You need to boot from the OS cd to re-format, you can NOT format a running system drive. You should then select the D delete partition option, or request a new install and elect for a re-format. I have NEVER had to re-format to remove malware of any kind, it should be treated as a last resort when the system will not start at all. You should use the R repair option and this will let the system replace all its' files without losing any data. You MUST then download and update a good anti-spyware and anti-virus, use this to do a scan in safe mode after the install to remove every trace of the malware.

  16. why don't you go to your local best buy and ask the geek squad. it could work, they fixed mine.

  17. yes, I use this website all the time you have to create an account it doesn't cost anything and they have experts on just about any subject. It's not live chat, they go through email an usually answer within 24 hours

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