
Ok so I'm 14 n i want 2 wax my stomach,back, but i have really sensitive skin help?

by Guest57540  |  earlier

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whats goin 2 happen 2 me and how long will it take for my hair 2 grow back?

by the way i am really hairy and i grow hair really fast




  1. get hair removal like these...


    I have tried them all and they work and they are totally painless. You can get them all at riteaid, walgreens, target, fredmeyer ect. waxing really doesn't hurt that bad on you stomach though and it would last longer but either way your good to go :)

    good luck hope this helps!!

  2. every personts hair grows at a different rate.  it lasts longer than shaving though.  if you have sensitive skin, it may be a little red and puffy for a while, but it will go away.  directly when you get home put milk on it (i kno sounds weird) but the person my sis goes to for waxing says to do it and it reduces redness and puffiness immediatley.  people say it will hurt, in reality, they overexaderate.  it hurts, but not as bad as every1 says.  for example, if you pull of a bandaid, thats how it feels.  not too bad.  its over quickly too.  i dunno if waxing strips r good, but if ur gonna do it for the first time, i suggest going somewhere.  if you rele want waxing strips though make sure you pull the hair the way its growing so u mite get the root.

  3. Your stomach will hurt! Not sure about your back never had it done. Problem is once you start you have to keep doing it. Fortunately with waxing it takes longer to grow back as the hairs get ripped out completely where as with shaving the hair is only cut. When you first do it you will be rather red and sore - will get small red dots where hairs were. Make sure you have a good moisturiser one with tea tree oil is good. What us girls do to be beautiful!  

  4. what do you need to wax your back and stomic for?!

    thats just crazy also at 14!? whoa, you are a very hairy person!

  5. i wax my stomach and it hurts, but not that bad. i have sensitive skin too. just put like the oil on that coems with the wax and you will be ok.  

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