Question: I'm having a Hollywood bday party.....?

by  |  earlier

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I've given out the invitations, and I have some idea a bout the food. I bought the decorations, too. But I really need some ideas on how to make the party room look! I have the basic Hollywood party decorations, streamers, I have the 6 strings of hollywood, ect. I am having the party in the room downstairs, which leads to outside where I am also having the party.

Please give me some ideas on how to set up outside

and inside!!




  1. Red carpet up the side walk.  Table covers on o/s tables, plastic champagne glasses for soft drinks, personalized napkins,

  2. my friend had a "sixteen in hollywod" in march. she had a dj and he brought those grammy things and they were about 40 ft tall then he had small spotlights in front. she also had people magazines around park benches. another thing was she had the gold star that usually has celeb's names on them and she put her name right at the end of the red carpet. then it was covered with a gold and black ballon arch. it was awesome. good luck! i just had my sixteenth bday party. the best thing is to not get uptight and expect everything perfect. b/c it will never be but you need to have fun and know its all for you. and i found out at mine that if you buy alot of dollar tree bubbles- people go crazy over them. they are still playing with them at school. :) have fun!

  3. Maybe like a little stage and you could act out stuff and sing kaororke (cant spell sry) and do skits and tsuff... with like read **RED** curtains. Also Maybe a big tv and a bunch of comfy chairs if ur gonna do a movie. Putr up posters of all movies and TV shows that are fmamous... um also a GIGANTCI red caprpet all along the party area.

    Hope that hopes!

    Good luck

    Hope that i helped

  4. CAN I COME!!

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