
Ok so I have no near by mosque where I live so this is my idea...

by  |  earlier

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for Ramadan I want to invite everyone who is Muslim to my house to pray, a question I'm a girl so is it okay if I invite the Muslim guys too? Also I don't know how people will react they might think I'm weird or whatever and I don't know if my parents are open to this they might be like thats to much people. Should I attempt this? Good idea?




  1. If your parents cant handle it....dont go for it as it might trouble them...

    but if your parents are fine with it and are willing to handle alot of people on a regular basis....yes you can invite both guys and girls....your dad or brothers can handle the guys..and you can take care of the segregated basically

  2. have your father arrange it. enthusiasm is nice but if your parents do not want this or cannot afford is cruel of you to ask them if it is for everyday.  Ask for one day instead.  You are not weird and remember that all your enthusiasm belongs to Allah alone.

  3. If I understand Islamic customs (I am Christian), it would be most appropriate to check this with your parents first - especially with your father.  I think it's a wonderful idea to turn your house into a sacred space for Ramadan.  I wish you many blessings.

  4. Most mosques started out as private meeting places that got too crowded. So yes it's a great idea. You'll need to find a man willing to lead the prayer and give a little khutba, unless you want it girls only. Why not start with Fridays if every day is too much? Or else convince your school to give you a room since it's mainly kids you want to invite. Start a muslim students association chapter. That's probably your best bet. If you either do Taraweeh prayers or in any case start having the Friday prayers at your house during Ramadan, people will be more likely to come, and then get into the habit of coming over.

    i wish i had enough courage to do something like that but it would involved keeping the place super tidy. Make sure you sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and vacuume it up before people come. i know they do that at mosques to decrease the carpet odor.

  5. As Salaam to you all,

    Invite the women to your home and keep the lads away, least they be tempted. During Ramadan it is best that women and men stay seperated and the men can fend for themselves but why do you not pass on your idea to them, so that they also can follow suit at a different address to yours.

    You should not be turning your house into a Musjid unless you wish it to remain as such for the rest of its useful life. Once you establish a Musjid it becomes the property of the community.

    Have a fruitful and sincere Ramadan with all the blessings that you will attain if you go ahead with your proposal but do keep it just for the women of your area.

    Wa Salaam.


    For the non-knowledgable Muslims in this forum, the Prophet (pbuh) never refused a woman to attend the Musjid, this came about after his death by the Kaliphate of Umar (ra) and man has followed this biddah tradition ever since. Women have a right to attend the Musjid but when they have a family to attend to, it is better that they pray at home.

  6. if u dint no the sayin its not good for women to pray salaat like in a musjid for women they shud pray at home in there rooms...i no women go to the mosque in trinidad but thats not good and ur reward do get lessen so its better women pray alone at home in there room...hoped i help...for men its fine but its gonna be ramadhan dont put ur parents through  alot of work and plus people arent gonna really *** id be hard for them...

  7. as long as ur parents are fine with it, go ahead.  It's a great idea!

    it's okay to invite muslim guys if ur dad or ur brother will be there.

  8. HEY GIRl,

    Am I invited? I'm new...turn Muslimah last week...LOL

    __________GO for it__________

    Keep Guys separated from the Gals

    ______________I'm 16 so I'm just saying for the good!!!

    _______________Pray hard and have fun!!!

    _________Just talk to your parents first)_

    ____Tell them the good about it


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