
Ok so I just put apple cider vinegar on my face. What the heck just happened...?

by  |  earlier

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I poured some onto a cotton ball with a little bit of water on it and i put it all over my face, to cure my acne. Now my face it BRIGHT RED where I put it and it's been like this for about 20 mins...haha... And it burns. Did I perminantly s***w up my face or what?




  1. You can apply apple cider vinegar directly on your acne skin. But if you find it too strong for your acne skin, you can try mixing it with water, starting with a low amount of vinegar and then increasing the ratio. For a start go with a 5:1 ratio and move it up to full strength if your skin does not get irritated

  2. Vinegar is acetic acid.  What just happened is that you rubbed an acid on your face and your skin is now reacting to something that while completely natural, is WAY too strong for direct application to your skin.  Dilute it, at the very least one to one, and apply to a very small and inconspicuous part of your face to see how you do, first.  No, your face is not permanently screwed up, but I would indeed go wash the vinegar off immediately.  Also, do not use petroleum jelly (Vaseline) on your face.  It's not good to apply petroleum jelly products anywhere on the body, and Vaseline will clog your pores unbelievably badly.

  3. Vinegar is an acid.  Why did you put acid on your face?  It's not going to be permanently red but you should wash it off with soap and water.

  4. dilute it!

    Witch hazel works very well and it's less than a dollar a bottle.

    Good luck!

    (Don't feel bad..I had a vaginal irritation and thought I was getting a yeast infection so I was taking baths in vinegar water 4 times a day ....Turns out I had a reaction to a laundry soap and was making it worse by doing to my 'privates' exactly what you're doing to your face....2 weeks later and I'm getting better)

  5. No! you are OK.

    That is the expected reaction.

    It will settle down after a while!

  6. before you put the APC=apple cider vinger on your face

    1.wash your face

    2.rub vaselien on your face(or some kind of hair grease

    3. then the vinger!

  7. rinse ur face with COLD water.. warm or hot water will make it worse.  if you want beautiful skin.. google Marilyn Monroes skin care    SHE KNEW WHAT SHE WAS DOING

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