
Ok so I really need some attention right now. Please help!!?

by Guest62738  |  earlier

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I feel like I'm always one step away from getting something I really want. And it's really frustrating. I don't consider myself fortunate or lucky because I don't necessarily take things for granted - in other words, I work really hard for the things I really want. But it seems to me that no matter how hard I work, the effort I put into my work doesn't pay off...and that really tears me apart. But the thing is, each and every time I fall, I get back up and try again...harder like never before. And gradually over time, as this continuously goes on, I feel like I'm loosing self-esteem and most importantly, hope. I take my work very seriously, but I get rejected each and every time I try to prove my potential. I feel like I need to be given a chance to prove myself but for some reason, I just cant. To me, time is running out and I'm becoming desperate - I'd give anything in the world to have this opportunity.




  1. Sometimes it's not about "doing your best."  Sometimes it's about doing just the right things.  "One step away from getting something" could mean a lot of things.  Maybe there's one or two things that you're not doing that you don't realize.  Sometimes it's just not about what you do; it's just not meant to be.  It's hard to say for sure without actually knowing what the situation is.  

    I know it's really cliche, but there are so many things in my life that haven't turned out the way I wanted, but in the end, it's because something else much better was meant to be.  You don't always get what you want, but sometimes it's what you need.

    Good luck.


    I read your details.  I don't know exactly what your situation is, but do you have other options?  Are you trying to get into a four-year college/university?  If you're worried that you won't make it in, you could consider looking at smaller, community colleges to build up your skills and lead into a higher-level university.  There are always options if things don't work out exactly the way you plan.  Have faith and keep trying.

  2. What are your hopes and your dreams? Get back to me on that and I'll help you.


    What's your over all dream in life?

    Edit x2:

    Hold onto those hopes and dreams. Never lose sight of them.  For ever rainbow, there has to be some rain. I promise it'll all get better.

  3. If you're talking about getting accepted in to school, you may have one of the following issues:

    -Your goals could be too high.  You don't say where you want to go, but if you're trying to get in to a top-tier school like MIT, Harvard, Yale, etc., and you don't meet the profile that they're looking for, you aren't going to get in.  Many people who *do* meet their desired profile don't don't get in.  If this is your situation, you might have to come to a place of acceptance and find other goals for yourself.

    -You could have a poor understanding of what you need you to do.  You may be so involved in the situation that you can't objectively evaluate your own progress, so you end up thinking that you're ready when you're really not.  You could be working on the wrong things.  If you want to get in to a specific school (or program, or job, or any position you want in life) and you are rejected more than once, then you should talk to the people who are rejecting you to find out if you will really have a chance in the future, and if you do, find out what you need to do in order to have that chance, and find out how you know you will be ready.

    -If your goal is very important to you and you are reaching the level of desperation, I recommend that you speak to someone who can help you, like a therapist, life coach or job/occupational counselor.  That person should be able to work with you on identifying realistic goals, goal planning and goal evaluation.

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