
Ok so I sent this message on myspace...?

by  |  earlier

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I sent a message with something I wasn't supposed to say. So I want to delete it. If I go to the sent folder and delete the sent message from there will it be deleted from the person's inbox? That I sent to? Or if a message is sent it's sent and you can't delete it? Or is there some other way???

Thanks in advance for the answers!




  1. nope - the only way to delete it is to delete your entire account

    that's the only way to make it unreadable....

    lesson learned?

    you have to use at least one brain cell to use myspace

  2. nope you cant, like tha guy below said, unless you delete your account other than that your pretty much screwed

  3. OMGsh

    i totally asked the same question not too long ago for like the same reason

    i tried deleting it off my sent and i didn't know if tht deleted it or not so i got one of my friends to help i sent here a message than deleted it off my sent but she still got it...

    i don't think there's a way to delete them but im not sure.

    im sorry.

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