
Ok so I think this guy likes me and he always winks at me!!Any advice on how to ask him out?

by  |  earlier

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  1. simple... make sure your entire body is facing him... tilt your head to either side of your neck... wink back and then signal for him to come near you... then the nervousness transfers to him and he's going to wonder how to keep your attention... if he's at a stuck point and you notice this... help him out with some guidance ... like saying... sat. 8pm tropical thunder :)

  2. Do you know if he has a girlfriend and/or do you know if he does that to any other girls? As a guy, I would say just ask him to go out somewhere some other day. The best that could happen is he'd be flattered and say yes. The worst that could happen is that he could also be flattered and still say no and/or he has a girlfriend and if he says either, I wouldn't even wonder why he led you on in the first place and move on.

  3. He's flirting with you, but be careful with this guy.  He may just want to physically fool around with you but not ever date you or care about you.  Some guys don't mind pretending feelings they don't actually have.  Also, be prepared that he may be playing with you.  When you start to show some interest, he'll back off and just have fun with you being the pursuer.

  4. Ask him to hang out one day.  Wow, easy!

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