
Ok so I went to the....?

by  |  earlier

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Eye doctor because I failed my DMV vision test.

I had had only 3 hours of sleep and had been crying just before those 3 hours of sleep.. (personal reasons)... My eyes felt weird, I knew I should have rescheduled but I didn't.

So, I couldn't see out of my left eye to read the first 4 letters. I went to the eye doctor, and learned I had astigmatism in both eyes, but my right eye was 20/40 based off how far I could read, and the left was 20/80.

I ordered some glasses, etc but then the next day, my eyes felt better... So, I sat back in my computer chair, closed my right eye and could read the small text, I back up to the middle of the room and could still make out letters. And my right eye, I could back up really far.

So, my question is, could there be some inaccuracy in this? Should I go back to the eye doctor? I realize my left eye is worse than my right, and I will probably need glasses to drive, but my vision is better by far than when I was at the doctors. Do I need to go back?




  1. I read your post about this a few days ago.  Stress can change the way you see, but I would not suggest going back to the doctor yet.  You should try the eyeglasses out first.  When you first start to correct astigmatism, you may experience dizziness, nausea, headaches, and some image distortion..  It will usually go away after a few days.  I had one of the worst cases of this and my prescription had to be reduced because of it.  

    If you experience any side effects after wearing the eyeglasses for several days, then go back to your doctor to check the prescription to see if it needs to be reduced until you can handle a full prescription.

  2. Hi,

    i would suggest you call the eye doctor, explain why you think the testing may have been compromised and that you don't want to receive an inaccurate prescription.

    you definitely don't want the wrong prescription because it can harm your eyes.

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