
Ok so for my english class i was told to come up witha movie idea for homework. Any suggestions????

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Ok so for my english class i was told to come up witha movie idea for homework. Any suggestions????




  1. Uhhh - you leave it really open ended.

    I guess you could try a modern adaptation of a classic play.

    Like a modern remake of one of Shakespeare's plays i.e Romeo & Juliet starring Lionardo Di Caprio etc

    I saw a remake of Macbeth that was done in terms of Drug lords in dangerous neighbourhoods.

    English teachers seem to love that stuff.

    Does that help?

  2. What does :"OK So" have to do with your question.

    If you expect to pass an English course, you should learn that "OK so, is not a proper way to begin a sentence, and that 'English" should start with a capital letter.

    My suggestion is to write a movie idea about a kid who starts every sentence with "OK so"

    OK, so does that answer your question.

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