
Ok so have this problem?

by  |  earlier

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i let people make me think i'm treating or doing something wrong when i'm really not. and they'll say things and give me warnings like "you're not gonna act up are you" and that type of thing. but i've never really done anything in my life that i remember. and like i feel awkward around people. i don't wanna touch someone too hard for fear that they'll say i'm hitting them. or talk the way i want for fear that they'll say i'm talking too loud. and it just goes on and on and it's the total opposite. i don't get it. but i let these people make me act a certain way. but a person who's not harming anyone should never have to put his mind to such a negative place. help me out. what do you think what can i do? ye know?

see how i even have to write ye know. like it's not blatantly obvious and understandable. people tell me they can't understand me but it's so easy i don't understand




  1. You talk to much.

  2. English please

  3. All signs point to you being g*y. Accept it.  

  4. You are deep.  Try to make a concious effort to not make such a concious effort.  Does that make sense?

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