
Ok so he says..... (guys help!) (girls2)?

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ok so my bf and i have been together for almost 3 months but we have known each other for about 6 years

his last gf told him she loved him but when he said it back he didnt mean it

i want to have s*x him but we dont love each other

and im a virgin

what do u think???




  1. don't do it. you'll regret wasting your first time on someone you don't love; i know that first hand. all you have is time, just wait until it feels right... if he cares enough about you, he'll wait for you.

  2. DON'T.  If you don't love each other then its stupid to lose your virginity like this.

  3. DO NOt!!!! I repeat DO NOT have s*x with someone you don't love. Think about. I mean, s*x is the most intimate form of love their is! Don,t ruin you're virginity on someone yo don't love!

  4. Ok so you don't love him and based on his ex girlfriend even if he did say he loved you, you wouldn't believe him.  Hmm... so you don't love him or trust him.  No you shouldn't have s*x with him.  If you don't want to wait till you get married then wait till you find someone you trust and love.

  5. it's always good to have s*x with someone you love.

    because after having s*x with someone you've might just get awkward. if you really like him and want it to for further..just wait. til you grow those feelings. you shouldn't WANT to have s*x until you love someone..because you don't know how it is to want it. there's alot of young, i don't know how old you are, but kids having s*x just because everyone is doing it--to be cool. then they get pregnant, and it's not worth it.

    i say stay a virgin til you find the one you love.

    i regret not doing that--and it's my biggest regrets.

    there's other things you can do besides s*x too--kissing is fun [:

    and if he doesn't want to be with you because you don't want to have s*x with him, HE'S DEFINATELY NOT WORTH IT

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